Are You Really Working Hard? (Hint: Probably Not)

Our amazing fight parts want to tell us…

"It’s now or never."
"It’s my way or the highway."
"Rise and grind."

After all, we all LOVE watching success p*rn.

It gets those parts of us excited.
It seems so urgent.
It’s now or never .


It’s not possible to keep working for as long as you have, as hard as you have.

You’re not getting results, right?
Which tells us your body is saying slooooowwww doooowwwwnn.

It’s true.

But you want to know the worse truth?

(I say worse because I have that fight part of me that wants to do ALL the things too)

Slower is faster.

Effort, action, practice accumulates over time. 
It compounds.

Like investing. Like a relationship. Like a career.
Like anything worthwhile investing into.

And your mindset is the key here.

Because you have to practice having a practice mindset, 
so you can get there.

Practicing looks like -

  1. Staying in bed instead of dragging yourself out.
  2. Not training because you’ve had a massive week
  3. Eating more food, not less.
  4. Resting and playing.

Practice letting these things be okay…
Instead of beating yourself up and starting again.

When we create these HUGE mountains to climb in our mind…

We are often left stranded…
With nowhere to go…

But back down to the bottom.

Instead, we need to camp out.
To use our wisdom.

“Is this time to push or time to rest?”

(Hint: If you only ever push, you need more rest.)

In fact, that’s one of the principles of The Sports Model Project .

Be The Hardest Worker In The Room:

I will work harder than every other person who is in any room with me.

I recognise that often the hardest work is knowing when to rest or be playful.

Because high standards without self compassion is self bullying.

Do you want to learn to master this?

Click here and chat with our team.

Love and light,
SMP Coaching Team

Everyone else tells you that you’re in amazing condition...

But you know otherwise.
That you haven’t really gotten “there.”

Elite body composition still escapes you.
But every day, like clockwork (actually it’s an algorithm)... 😉

More images of girls in crazy condition.

Elite body composition served up morning and night.

In the last few years the expectation changed...
But you didn’t.

Your clients and potential clients expectations changed.

Truth is…

In the last few years,
YOUR expectation changed...

But you didn’t.

Hell you know all about training.

You did the level three, 
worked with a mentor.

You did the precision nutrition course.

You ARE teaching other people about how to train, eat and live.

The easy place to hide is to say:

“I’m happy with where I am, but I would love to compete one day.”

After all that’s a safe place to be when you're talking to clients or yourself.

Only that’s the phrase that burns a hole in your whole being.

It’s so easy to say:

“I’m not there yet.”

Only “yet” is starting to feel like “never.”

You want more.

A more true statement?

You aren’t there.

No sneaky “yet.”

It’s showing up in your work.
It’s way easier to meet and find new clients when you DON’T doubt yourself and your abilities.

Obviously there are a few parts to this.

The first is: 

Your worth is not determined by how lean or not lean you are. You are a good coach who cares about her clients.

Also, there is a “mindset” piece here.
(You will learn that inside SMP.)

The other truth? Once you have been to that place,

Once you have learnt how to attain and maintain elite body composition, the healthy life affirming way?

Once you have used and embodied a system that gets you “there”?

Well, then your confidence goes to another place

Even better.

Once you have learnt?
You know how to teach.

All the work, study and upskill will click into place finally.

SMP is not for newbies.
SMP is not for girls who just got motivated.

SMP IS for the next level.
SMP IS only for the hardest worker in the room.

Click here to apply.

Apply to join SMP and you will start your climb to the next level.

It’s time

Live your spirit, be your vision.

Click here and book a call with our team to apply.

Love, light, and guidance to the next level,
The Whole SMP Team

The Sports Model Project is NOT an Accountability Program – And Here’s Why

Simply because - 

We don’t hold you accountable for your goals.
We are not responsible for your success.

You read that right.

Sorry but…

Who do YOU think should be?

Who should take the responsibility to create that?
Who has the power to change your life?

It’s not your coaches.
It’s not your mentors.

It’s not your friends.
It’s not your family.
It’s not your partner.

It’s not ANYBODY else.

Because the one person who is accountable for all the goals that you set for yourself…
The one that is solely responsible for the actions that you take… 
That one that is IN CONTROL of your life…


And that is YOUR power.

You know how our girls get to where they want to be, 
physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually?

You know how they are able to FINALLY see 
amazing transformation not just in their body but also in life?

They are able to win shows,
Become WBFF Pro Divas,
Grow bigger businesses,

Get featured in the front cover of magazines
Learn lifelong skills on how to achieve elite body composition.

That’s because they learn 

Radical self-leadership…
Radical resourcefulness…

Which are some of the principles that we teach in the Sports Model Project.

Would you like to learn that too?

The Sports Model Project is a process of transformation and personal mastery…

And we’re here to:


So that YOU learn all the tools that you need to be successful.

To live the life that you want.
To improve your experience of yourself & build a strong relationship with yourself.
To build trust.
To be the vision that YOU have created for yourself.

And that means:

Becoming RADICALLY responsible for your thoughts…

your actions…
your words.

So the question now is:

Are you ready for radical self-leadership?
To be your own shining light?

Are you ready to be YOUR Vision and live YOUR Spirit?

SMP is only for the hardest worker in the room.

Click here and book a life-changing call with our team.

Love, light & celestial rainbows,
Hattie xoxo
SMP Coaching Team

Finding Fulfillment In Your Quest To Greatness: Secrets From World Champion Athletes

You’ve tried everything.

You work the hardest. 
No one can deny that.

Even sometimes… to the point of burning out.

You are the hardest worker in the room.
You wear that identity like a badge of honour.

There’s no question you’ve got high standards.

You’re driven…
So you push yourself harder up the huge mountain.

Because the level of greatness that you want for yourself, 
that you believe your high-achieving parts deserve, 
the big vision that you’ve always had…

Must be somewhere up there, right?


The further you go, 
the more you feel left behind.

The harder you try, 
the more it hurts.

Where is the joy?
Where is the sense of fulfilment?

It’s pushed to the back of your mind, right?

“When I get to the destination, then I will be fulfilled”

Thousands of girls that we worked with at SMP…
Who are coaches, PTs, fitness competitors…

They were grappling with that too.

@hattieboydle didn’t feel like a champion
when she won the world championship.

@theonlyblackswan represented Fiji at the World Cup
then never spoke about it for over a decade.

Their standards were so high that they didn’t get to fully experience what they had achieved…

Not until years later.

We too have parts of us that feel like we’re not trying hard enough.

Parts of us that feel low.
Even while being at the peak of the mountain of success.

How do we handle and overcome it?
How do you find fulfilment in your quest for greatness?

It takes:

Being able to be present with yourself in your journey…
To experience joy in the habits and the routine.

And to have self-compassion while having high-standards
(and that’s the hardest thing of all)

Because you’re not so different from Hattie and the SMP coaches.
We’re just a few more years down the path having answers for those challenges.

But we haven’t forgotten what it’s like.

Would you like help with that?
First step:

Click this link.

Book a call with our team.

And if you’re a good fit, you will be talking directly to our team of dedicated coaches…

Who will provide you with the key you need to unlock your lifelong greatness and live the life that you have with fulfilment.

Love and light,
SMP Team

Stop Your Hard Work Going Down The Drain

You are resourceful.
You work the hardest.
You show up consistently for your goals.
You train to be better and to strive for more.

And I recognise you for that.

But that’s not the only thing you want, is it?

You want results that last.

You want to achieve and sustain the physique that you want - over the long term.
You want to keep progressing.

So how can you stop all your hard work from going down the drain?
How can you stay lean all year round and even beyond?

The most important thing that worked before that is still working now…

Training to a plan, aka periodisation.

It’s a critical component to achieve long-term success.

You plan ahead your hardest AND rest days, making sure each of your muscles gets the
attention it deserves.

So how do we do that?

First thing you need to know:

The results you seek lie in the methods, tools and habits that you haven't mastered yet.

Doing the same exercise with the same movements, in the same rep range with the same speed won’t get you to where you want to go.

Progressive overload is just one part of this puzzle.


There’s no secret plan that just magically gets results.

If elite body composition is your goal, there’s very few ways to achieve that.

And even fewer ways that allow you 
to keep that composition over the long term.

So if you’re not there yet… 

It’s recommended that you explore all the methods, tools and habits that you’re not currently executing on consistently.


I know it sounds like a lot.

It is, when you’re doing it by yourself.

But you don’t have to worry all about this.
Because that's what we are here to help with.

In SMP, you will be supported with the proper plan that you need exactly for your goals.

You will learn elite-level skills, 
techniques and habits around 
training, nutrition, and mindset.

Under the guidance of our specialist team of coaches.

Who are Elite athletes, Naturopaths, Nutrition Experts, WBFF Pro Divas, and a World Champion.

So you will get access to a proven process and the right resources from the right people.

So if you’d like help with that…

Click here and chat with our team.

The SMP Coaching Team

The Key To Unlocking Lifelong Transformation

“Wow. Is that really me?”

We hear our girls say this at the SMP photoshoot all. the. time.

It’s a beautiful moment for them to finally see themselves…

In the physique that they love.
In the mind that they find peace with.
In the place where they truly belong.

And guess what?

Some of them didn’t even expect to find themselves posing in front of the camera. 🙂

Prior to SMP, some of our girls would cry in front of the mirror, 
let alone let themselves have photos taken of them.

The problem was not what they saw.
The problem was how they thought of themselves.

Because some of our girls?
Come to us in great condition.

Only, their mind couldn’t recognise it or any of their other achievements.

So they set of on a quest to find themselves.

And through the process of showing up and practicing radical resourcefulness and responsibility (even when it’s difficult)...

They found themselves.

They committed themselves to themselves. 
Over and over again.

That’s devotion.

Can you imagine?

Using a step-by-step framework that is slow and sustainable. 

Devoting yourself to your goals each and every day.
Appreciating every single step you take.

Finding joy and fulfilment in your journey.

Would you like to learn that too?

Good thing for you…

You are exactly where our girls started.

Take the first step.

Click this link.

Book a call with our team.

On the other side, you will have the love and support from our dedicated team of coaches…

Who will guide you through a process of lifelong transformation and personal mastery…

Towards the vision that you’ve always wanted for yourself.

Love and light and live your spirit,
SMP Team

Making Goals is one thing - actually ACHIEVING THEM is another

Everybody has a goal.What’s yours?

I had a goal once.

It was to win a world title.

No biggie, hey?

So what did I do?

I set a process,
I worked hard,
I didn’t stop,
and then I won.

Yep, I did that.

So now, when women come to me wanting to join the Sports Model Project,
and they share with me their goals…

I get it.

I see the glint in your eyes,
I feel the fire in your belly.

When you tell me you want something,
I believe it.

Because I’ve been there.

My team of coaches believe it.
They’ve been there, too.

That’s why when you come to us,
we are 100% committed to getting you where you need to be.

If you tell us you want to be in the best shape of your life in 6 months,
That’s what we’ll do.

If you tell us you want to get on stage and compete,
That’s what we’ll do.


We can’t do the work for you.
We can’t force you to commit.
We can’t make you believe in yourself.

All that stuff?

That has to come from YOU.

We will give you the process,
And we will hold you to what you say.

Because, why wouldn’t we?

You CAN achieve your goals.
You CAN live your spirit.
You CAN be your vision.

As long as you follow the proven process that we give you,
there are no excuses…

(only a lot of hard work to do.)

When you join the Sports Model Project,
You are making a commitment to yourself:

You commit fully to your ongoing and never-ending growth.
You commit to fully experience your feelings.
You commit to observing your thoughts, words, actions and reactions.

Most importantly,
You commit to your process.

We have compiled a process based on the exact method I used to get in the best shape of my life and win multiple world titles.

This is the process we teach our girls.

It’s a process of transformation and personal mastery,
helping you to go the the next level in your:


You’ll be working with a community of like-minded women powerfully supporting each other.

Women just like you.

Because, the Sports Model Project is only for the hardest worker in the room.

To apply,

Book a call at this link.

Our team will chat with you about your goals, where you’re at now, and see if SMP is right for you.

If you’re successful,
we’ll be starting you on our process next week.

Love & light,
Hattie xo

5 Steps To Nailing Your Nutrition

People often struggle with consistency when it comes to nutrition.

They may be great at following a diet for a week or two, 
but then something comes up and they fall off the wagon.

If this sounds familiar, 
don't worry - you're not alone.

Throughout my years of training as an elite level athlete, I’ve worked with many coaches and nutritionists around food philosophy.

And I’ve created this 5-step guide to creating your own food philosophy and mastering your nutrition.

1. 80% whole foods, 20% soul foods.

If you find that eating is more a chore than enjoyment, I can tell you that you're doing it wrong.

Finding healthy ways to include flavours that you love won't stop you from having your ideal body composition.

It will simply make the journey much more enjoyable.

2. Eat the rainbow!

It's super important to consume a variety of different food groups.

Fruit and veggies should make up the bulk of your daily food. I’m talking 5-7 varieties of veggies and 2-3 varieties of fruit every day.

3. Planning is key.

I'm not just talking about meal prep - 

planning your meal times is also important, 

especially when you’re training.

Carbs are best consumed close to training times - before and after sessions - to support performance and recovery.

4. Consider your sleep

Do you ever find it difficult to sleep after a big dinner?

Well, you're not alone.

Your body uses a lot of energy to digest meals, 

so eating late at night can actually stop you from sleeping deeply.

5. Drink your water!!!

Drinking plenty of water is key to boosting literally every part of your health.

I have my huge 1.5L bottle with me all day, every day. 

A positive relationship with nutrition is so important and it all starts with a healthy mindset.

And if you want further help with your nutrition…

SMP has developed a process of transformation and self-mastery.

The same process that won me the world championship,
The process that has helped countless of women like yourself,
And the process that can help you do the same.

But, only if you're the hardest worker in the room.

So, if you think you have what it takes…

Book a call with our team of experts.

Hattie xo
SMP Coaching Team

From Amateur To Pro: What It Actually Takes

There’s a lot of girls that step onto the WBFF stage, 
and win their Pro card first go.

But it’s not ALWAYS that way.

And definitely I speak for myself and for the WBFF Pro Divas in SMP as well.

Take our client turned coach @nathaliaburmann, for example.

It took her competing for years, falling pregnant, taking the time away from stage. 

2 and a half years later, she joined SMP, 
competed again, and finally won her Pro card.

But even before that, she started her journey as an athlete at 16 as a volleyball player in Brazil.

@sarahezalud our US-based coach, who started her journey as an athlete all the way back in high school, didn’t get her Pro card until her 3rd competition.

@jamiecosta, our Strength & Conditioning Coach, just earned her Pro card on her 4th show after years and years of training as an athlete, working as a PT, and studying the science of exercise.

And then there’s me - 

It took me years to become a Pro athlete.

I did shows back-to-back in different parts of the world before I won my Pro and earned my world titles.

I was an amateur for a long time.

And I actually appreciate that…


Here’s the thing:

No one was born a pro.
Nobody earned it overnight.


Day IN and day out YOU earn that title for yourself.

What does being a Pro mean?

It means being in the ring.
Being knocked about.

Not always winning.

Not always getting what you want.

It’s actually very healthy to not get to where you want the first go.

Maybe you need a little bit more time under the bar.

A greater training age.
More experience.

Maybe you need more practice,
Learning about food and understanding yourself.

Or maybe you need more time in the saddle, in general.
You being devoted to YOU.

That’s what we help you do at SMP.

Our process has been used by thousands of women we coached in the last decade to get from a girl with a dream to a girl with a Pro card.

We will help you identify what you need to focus on to get to the next step, and the next step, and the next step.

Until you finally leave amateur behind and become a pro.

Click here to start your journey.

Love & light,
Hattie xoxo
SMP Coaching Team