I’ve Gone From Being A Monkey To A Master

My old values were about the way I looked.

In fact everything was about the way I looked. Sure, I still care but the way I look is not at the top in the order of values I have.

Loving myself, helping other people, athletic performance, my business and my success are all of much higher value to me.

Putting energy into those other places makes the outside look better anyway.

Going on the deep internal journey has completely changed the outside in a much more profound way than focusing on the monkey mind that told me I wasn’t good enough. The endless chatter that made me train too much and not eat enough.

So what drives me now?

Personal growth mental and spiritual growth. I’m the arbitrator of that, I know when I’m not stepping into my greatness

To grow there has to be a challenge

How do I know which challenge to take on?

The one that scares me the most.

You will not be happy if you listen to the outside world, you will be ruled by their demands, what they think you should do. That’s not how you get what YOU want.

Listen to you and do what feels like the biggest stretch, the big scary challenge,

You don’t have to have the answers or be the finished product right now.

I know I wasn’t.
I built this mindset, I wasn’t born with it.

Like you I started out not feeling great about the way I looked.

I didn’t start with confidence I started with self-doubt, a burning desire to get better and the drive to be the hardest worker in the room.

I went and learned what I didn’t know from the best coaches in the world and implemented what they taught me harder than anybody else.

I built my mindset with repetition of hard work, journalling, meditation and reminding myself when it's time to be feminine and when it's time to be playful.

These methods taught me mastery of myself. (Yep, I still have off days too, I just have the tools to keep thriving)

Then I built a community of women to support one another and help lead each other on the same journey.

My girls get in amazing shape.

They win fitness shows, win their pro-cards and end up on the cover of Oxygen magazine.

These are the wins we are supposed to be happy about right?

Well I love fitness shows and I'm so passionate about my girls winning.


The things that really excite me are the personal triumphs.

They are loving of themselves and others, they are confident, they are resourceful and they are playful.

It's Cat designing her dream job, living by the barrier reef, building and living her dream life
(and winning her pro-card!!!)

It’s Wendy becoming happy with herself and entering a fitness show at an age somewhere north of 50. (This women is so amazing, so full of energy)

It’s Sharry finding herself, becoming less anxious and building an amazing business.

It’s my girls loving each other, caring for one another, showing up at each others shows.

It’s Sarah playing stage mum for Rosie just because they are SMP team mates even though the girls they had never met in person.

You can be a part of this.
You can take my journey and the journey of my girls.

But there a few conditions

You must be prepared to work hard.
You must be coachable
You must be resourceful and take responsibility for your own success.

We will teach you how to transform your body from the inside out.
Right thoughts, right words, right actions.

Go from being a monkey to being a master.

Have the body, the mind and the life you truly want.

You can apply to join my team here.

Light and loving kindness,
Hattie xoxo

That link again. (Click on the image below.)

How To Eat And Feel Satisfied Even When Your Dieting

Something I want to share with you is a tool I have used over the many years I have spent working on myself when it comes to my macros and putting together SATIATING meals whilst dieting.

Just like I ask you to journal your emotions and experiences, it’s really important that you start to take notes on how you FEEL with your current macro intake.

Your ratio of protein/ fat / carb intake daily and also your meals. It is important that when you structure your food, you really think about what you are trying to achieve.

An emphasis must be around training and I highly recommend having fibrous vegetables at all meals. In fact this should take up half your plate.

Protein and fibre are the most satiating macros which need to be prioritised.

Then, when it comes to fat and carbohydrates
Everyone is different-
Some people work really well with high carbohydrates (me)
Some people work well with low carb higher fat.
- body fat % and muscle mass also played a huge role in this.

You will see that as you get leaner I give you more carbohydrates.
After each meal - rate your
1: satiety
2: energy
3: how long it keeps you full.

Make sure you drink water consistently throughout the day.

If there is something I have really implemented a lot lately it’s slowing down when eating.

For anyone with digestive issues-
Purée your veggies and drink vegetable soups in small by consistent doses.
It is a lot easier on your digestive system and will allow you to break Down the nutrients better without leaving
you bloated.

Mix up your veggies. It’s what you miss out on when you pinhole your nutrients that’s the issue.

There are numerous ways to calculate macros and that will always give a set point - however your metabolism is really great at adjusting to what you give it, which is why it is important to always give yourself and me feedback on:


These are all signs from your metabolism.
If all of these are being disrupted something needs to change.

If you'd like a place to start when it comes to your food, check out my ultimate macro plan. It's where all of my SMP girls started out and is a great place to start if you're unsure what you should be eating. In most cases, you're not eating ENOUGH.

Check it out by clicking the banner below.

Is That Fear A Stop Sign Or Is It A Sign Post To Greatness?

What path do you take when a challenge scares you?
Is it the path of least resistance?

Do you quit, or not start, or wait till later?

Or, do you recognise your resistance and push on anyway?

So often women tell me

“I’m scared, that’s why I haven’t started yet.”

“I’m scared, so I’m going to quit”

or even
“I’m scared, so I’m going to wait till later when I’m not scared any more”

Only one problem.

The treasure is always guarded by a dragon and you have to pass directly through the dragon to get the gold.

If you want to win the show you have pass directly through fear to get on stage and win the medal.

If you want to succeed, make money, find love, grow, become an expert, be admired, be followed, become an inspiration, get stronger you have to pass through fear because if you're not scared, it’s probably not worth doing.

The resistances you feel, all the “reasons” you can’t are fears and
they are all a guide to push into this new, scary space.

Let’s be straight.

This"fear" isn’t you trying to work out whether to approach a bear in a forest or a lion on the plains.

This is about you doing this thing you really want to do (finally),

this thing that your spirit has been calling on you to start doing.

"So are you saying that I shouldn't listen to my intuition? "

No way!

Listen to your intuition if it's telling you that walking down a dark street is dangerous or that you shouldn’t get into that car, or that guy is bad news,
listen when it tells you to avoid the bear.

But intuition will keep you safe with actions not by doing nothing.

So If your intuition is telling you to procrastinate to put off your great work till later, that now isn’t the time to do what you truely want, It’s not intuition talking to you, it’s your fear.

And fear is a sign.
Your resistance is a cue to take action

"I'm scared, so I'm going to try harder, now would be the worst time to quit"

"This challenge scares me, It's a sign I have found a worthy opponent"

"I have been thinking about doing this for ages, my resistance is a sign I need to get started"

All of the girls in The Sports Model Project had fears before they started.

They worried that they weren't good enough
that they had bad genetics
or that they were too old
or that they hadn't won a show yet
or that they didn't know how to track macros.

Some of them had been resisting for ages, some had been resisting for years. (Literally years)

One of the reasons I'm so proud if them and one of the big reasons they are so successful is that they had to pass directly though fear to get here.

Is it your turn to pass through fear to get the gold?
Is it time for the path of great resistance?
Is your fear actually your signpost?

Is it your time to shine?

Click this link to apply for my team.

Light and loving kindness
Hattie xoxo

Caterina Resisted Fear And Ended Up On The Cover Of This Months Oxygen Magazine, A WBFF Pro And Working Her Dream Job Living Next The Ocean.

That link again:

Top 10 Rules For Nutrition

Nutrition is made complicated by the volume of information that is thrown at you.

It's really hard to work out what to do. You're not alone even fitness professionals, trainers and coaches get confused and frustrated too. 

Here are some simple places to start.
1. Take a step back from fads.

Current fads are low-carb, ketogenic diets, fasting, paleo, vegetarian, “detox”. All these diets and tactics require pretty difficult, unreasonable and in most cases unnecessary changes that won’t help you with your actual goal. 

2. Ask yourself “What am I doing this for?”

“Body composition, religious beliefs, ethical beliefs or because of a nagging fear that I am unhealthy? Or just because I saw it in a magazine or on Instagram.” 

In general, the media has to keep promoting new things otherwise they run out of content and they stop selling publications, that doesn’t mean you should do all or even any of the diets they write about.

3. Ask yourself “What do I enjoy?”

Then make sure you're eating it inside your plan!
It feels good to deny ourselves everything but it is really unnecessary for most goals. 

4. Start with what you can add.

Yes, that includes when you go to compete. You will get way less hungry if you’re eating nutrient and fiber dense foods so adding veggies is a great start.

5. Keep a food diary. 

This is the number one intervention. Keep a food diary and start paying attention to what you actually eat. For most of the girls, I meet they are drastically under-eating.

6. Calculate your baseline.

Human metabolism its understood really well. Use an online calculator to get an estimate on your current baseline. You can download my Ultimate Macro Plan here. Or get a DEXA scan to work out where you are now

7. Consistently eat that amount of food.

Track what happens to your body, change the amount of food you eat depending on your results and goals.

8. Get some help.

Do this with your partner, enlist your girlfriends or get some coaching. Work with a coach or nutritionist who has experience with the goals you have and helps you with changing your behavior and is not only focused on her method or a particular strategy. 

9. Monitor your thoughts.

We can very quickly turn nutrition into a form of punishment. 
We can attempt to solve our negative self-talk by denying ourselves food or eating a whole heap of it. It is better to use techniques for thoughts rather than food as a method to deal with those thoughts. Start to a journal, begin a meditation practice or look to understand where your thoughts come from instead. Get some help with that from a professional if you're ready.

10. Pay attention. 

Food is one of the great pleasures in life. Pay attention to it. Take the time to observe it and taste what your eating. Maybe give thanks for the bounty that you receive every day. It’s the fuel for our lives. Have you ever said

“She has great energy!” 

Well, that energy literally came from what she ate. 

When we deny ourselves food, we starve ourselves of energy and we don’t get to be THAT GIRL, the bright shining version of ourselves.

As you shine you give permission for others too. 
You can be the one who teaches your girlfriends and nieces and your daughters to examine their thoughts and nourish their bodies with food. 

In fact, this is embedded in one of the most important concepts I teach in the sports model project the principle of Radical Leadership

“As I let my light shine brighter I give space for others to do the same.” 
I will lead by doing. 
I will tell by showing. 
I will talk by listening. 
I will make things easy by working hard. 
I will hold myself to the highest standard of self-compassion. 
I will hold myself to the highest standard of self-love." 

"I am inspiring others to do the same."

I have a team of bright shining lights.
It's not for everybody because we are the hardest workers in the room.

It's called The Sports Model Project.

Entry is via application and a discovery call with WBFF Pro Caterina Ruberto. If you're a good fit, Caterina will offer you a spot in my team. If not no hard feelings. Cat will push you, she will discover what needs work and then she will instruct you how to take action.

You can apply to join by clicking this link.

Love and gratitude
Hattie xoxo

Click this link to apply for The Sports Model Project

Complicated Training Methods KILL Your Results

People often confuse simple with not challenging. 
This is not the case. 

Nailing the first principles and nailing them right, 
gifts you a lifetime of development and later on the flowering of advanced skills. 

In fact, this is the case in every field of human endeavor. 

This is the most productive time you will ever experience in your training career so use it to build a body that will serve you the rest of your life. 

A body that moves beautifully with no restrictions, a body that looks sexy and feels amazing.

This is the body that will bear your children, It’s the body you’ll have on stage.

It’s the body on the beach with you in Italy, 
It’s the body in the office all-day
It’s the body in your wedding dress, 
It’s the body that will sway to the beat in Ibiza.

It’s the body that will pick up your grandchildren one day.

So the investment you make now will support and feed all of the amazing things that your life will bring. 

But doing it the wrong way by starving yourself and killing yourself with crappy bulk exercise will do the opposite. 

It robs you of possibilities. 

Don’t lose sight of all of the destinations in your life just because getting on stage is the one that has all of the flashing lights right now. 

Do you know what IS cool? 

Preparing for a competition the right way will build
Your physique 
Your discipline 
Your self-love 
Your self-belief
Your self-confidence. 

Then anything is possible. 

That's what we help you build in The Sports Model Project, 
a relationship with yourself that makes anything possible.

You can apply to join my team by clicking this link

Love and light Hattie 
Nathalia developed a relationship with herself where anything is possible, won WBFF Australia and ascended to become a Pro-Athlete

I'm Every Women, It's All In Me

Can you guess what I have been asked a lot?

"Can only a certain type of Women join the Sports Model Project?"


I work with Women from remote parts of Australia where the land is red and orange and I work with Women who live in the big future cities in California. 

I work with Women who fly in and out of mines and I work with PhD research scientists.

I work with Women in their fifties and my Girls in their twenties. 

I work with Women who believe in themselves and their mission. 
I also work with Women
whose main mission right now, 
is to start believing in themselves. 

I work with top-level athletes who compete at the World Titles 
and women who are learning to live this noble lifestyle.

Where we are conscious of our thoughts.
Where we live in this moment with our actions and where we experience growth and the highest type of success.

I’m constantly so proud of the effort that my girls put into their success. 

At the end fitness shows,
competing gives you the chance to be successful whether or not you are the one who gets the medal.

Right now in The Sports Model Project, we are really loving this idea expressed by John Wooden one of the greatest college basketball coaches ever.

“Success is a peace of mind 
which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing that you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.”

That’s the peace of mind I strive for every day. 

It’s what The Sports Model Project is all about because even though we are every type of women,
we have one thing in common.

We are all striving for that sweet peace of mind.
We are all striving for success.

The Sports Model Project Isn’t for everyone.

It’s only for women who know the difference between winning and success.

It’s only for women who are ready to be the hardest worker in the room the type of women who promises to fail, fast, forward, often and with good grace.

Women who will accept radical responsibility for herself and at the same time will practice radical self-acceptance 

We are the type of women who cultivate radical resourcefulness and commit to a process of radical self-growth

We're the type of women who ready to contribute to a radical community and accept the mantle and great privilege of radical leadership inside 
The Sports Model Project and out there in the world

It seems like a lot but really it's just what women like us do.

Are you that type of women? 
You can apply to join us here 🙂

Love and light 
Hattie xoxo

Ps: Click here to learn a little bit more about what we believe and how we live.  

Yoda Was Right

Yoda was really on to something. 
“Do or do not. There is no try.” 
Summary: Your reasons are excuses. 
I know it sucks. It feels good to have a list of reasons why you can’t.

Realising that being busy, having children, studying, having a job, needing to sleep, cleaning, cooking, having a relationship, things that happened in the past, needing money are NOT reasons that you CAN'T do what you want......
really sucks. 

It's way easier to have reasons for not doing things. 

Unfortunately, they are excuses (reasons) that feel good because they feel hard and that lets you off the hook for not doing what you want in this life.

Let's look at the list:
Having kids
Having a job 
A Relationship 

This is the list of what life IS. 
These aren’t reasons for not doing things. 

As long as you live this list will exist in this form or one similar to it. 
In fact the older you get the more things on the list. 

This may seem heartless because those who have had the most difficult stuff happen, appear to have a reason not to do things.
But that's not how it works.

This is your life. 
Your life isn't a valid excuse for not living your life. 
These reasons for not doing things are just excuses.

Perhaps becoming more UN-Reasonable is the way forward. 

Like my amazing client Wendy who at the age of ___ decided to be UN- reasonable and enter her first fitness show. 

It seemed completely UN-reasonable for her to start going to the gym, doing posing and being in (leading in) a group of younger women.

Wendy Is Soooo Completely UN-Reasonable
Or Holly who has been battling with a mystery illness for the last 8 months, 
never giving up on what she can control to focus on what she can’t.

How many times has "sick" or "injured" been a "reason' for not doing stuff?

Holly has been absolutely UN- reasonable and stuck to her process the whole time whilst getting tests. UN-reasonable isn't easy it's just better than the other option.

It's actually really inspirational and I'm thankful for Holly's example of what 
UN-reasonable looks like.
Or Bec who has three kids, two businesses, a husband and still manages to get ready for photoshoots.

Bec is one of the most UN-reasonable people I have ever met. 

It's so good to have back on my team preparing and diving back into a process with us.
Guess what? 

Life will continue to happen for you until it’s over. 

There is no clearing where it stops and you can start doing all of the things that you want to do. 

It's time to be UN-reasonable 
or life will pass you by in a blur of reasons.

I am UN-reasonable.

We are UN-Reasonable.
We don’t accept excuses in The Sports Model Project. 
We hold our girls to their word. 

Then they expand outside of the space they believed they had to operate in. 
That’s the process of transformation. 
Are you ready?
Is it your turn to become UN-reasonable and transform?

You can apply for one of our last six spots on a discovery call with Caterina.

Cat will get clear on your goals, what needs work and if you are a good fit for my team. If you are a good fit, Caterina will offer you a place. If not she will coach you on what to do next.

Click this link now to book your call with Caterina.

Love and light
Hattie xoxo
Serena Williams Is UN-reasonable, Malala Yousafzai is UN-reasonable, Catherine Hamlin is UN-reasonable, Marie Curie was UN-reasonable, Angela Merkel is UN-reasonable, Betty Friedan was UN-reasonable, Joan of Arc was UN-reasonable, Florence Nightingale was UN-reasonable, All of the suffragetteswere totally outrageously, UN-reasonable.

With us or on your own, 
It's your turn to be UN-reasonable.

Sometimes There Is No Option. F***ing Do It.

Hey, how was your week?

Did you make some progress on your top three things?

Until Monday I had been giving myself a hard time.
I beat myself up on stuff I felt I hadn't been doing 
and things that I haven't achieved yet.

Which is all imaginary. 
These are worries, not things which actually exist.

So this week have been reflecting a whole heap on the things that I HAVE done, on my ACTUAL achievements and my life.

I encourage you to do some.
Make a list of all the great stuff you have done, your wins big and small.
Take some time each day to repeat them to yourself, build a Showreel. 

I have really reflected on the good fortune I am the recipient of
and the love that I give and receive.

I'm so thankful for my team The Sports Model Project. 
In 2012 I set out to build a culture in which Women could thrive. 

Where we could compete to win and compete to support one another along the way. Where we can develop athleticism and world-class physiques and the mental tools to live a good life.

So I'm constantly overwhelmed with joy at the growth of my girls and the connection they have built with themselves, their dreams and one another. 
I love seeing them transform their bodies, win shows, get magazine covers and nail photoshoots. 

More than anything I just love the girls In The Sports Model Project, 
I LOVE our forum. 

Here is a share from Sarah that really resonated with me.
Thanks Sarah! 

Sarah is right, some times there is no option. F***ing do it.

There are ten spots left in The Sports Model Project. 
Entry into the team is via application only. 

That application happens via a discovery call with Caterina where we work out if you are a good fit for the team and if you, are Cat may offer you a place in the project.

If not, no hard feelings and Cat will give you some advice on what your next step towards your goals should be. 

To apply for one of the final spots book a call here

Light, love and gratitude 
Hattie xoxo

What’s Up To You? What’s Not Up To You?

You control your process,
you control your actions.

What time you wake up,
if you make your bed,
what you have for breakfast.

Did you track your macros?
Fill in your training program?
Did you increase the amount of work you did from the last session?

Did you really show up in your meeting?
Were you working or on the internet?
Did you make the sales calls?
You can measure your actions, however

You can’t control the results of your actions.

You might not feel energetic when you wake up early.
Your measurements might not move the way you want.
They might not buy your thing.

In fact you’re not alone, nobody,
none of us get to decide the results.

Perhaps not getting what you want gives you anxiety.

You freak out because you hate being tired.
You eat a whole heap “because what’s the point anyway”?
You get anxious that your never going to make money.

But anxiety is just the gap between the world you imagined and the world that is.

Anxiety exists because you want something that is out of your control.

I want to win, always but by the time I get to my show I know that everything I can control has been done. All that is left is for me to perform and for the result to be announced.

When I get under the bar and attempt a genuine personal best, I only have responsibility for my effort. The beauty in the attempt is this very real truth:

I don't know what the result will be.

(It's why I get so nervous the night before)

Surrender the illusion of control,
and accept responsibility.

Step up, accept the radical responsibility that is yours.

You are responsible for your actions.
You are responsible for your words
You are responsible for the thoughts that you keep.

These are the only things that are up to you…… and as every great competitor in every sport knows.

When you take control of your process,
you receive all of the rewards that you truly need.

This is how we live in The Sports Model Project.

It’s a step up for every women who joins us, but it's a first step towards greatness.

You can apply to join the team by clicking this link.

It’s Time Live Your Vision, Be Your Spirit

Light and so much love
Hattie xoxo

PS: Radical responsibility is one of the key principles I teach in The Sports Model Project and just like everything else it's a practice not a destination.

"I am responsible for observing my feelings, thoughts, words and actions."

"I am responsible for my feelings, for my actions, my words and the thoughts I choose to keep."

Click here to apply