What Type Of Effort Creates Growth?

When we talk about effort we often look at it as physical,
but the key is the type of mental effort we make.

It's not just a matter of "pushing yourself harder".
In fact working hard just gets you to the start line.
If you want to grow, its your mental effort to change old behaviours
or conquering your fear that needs to be exercised the most.
It is easy to fall back on what you know
because what you know keeps you safe.

But no one grows from safety.

Your mind doesn’t grow,
your body doesn’t grow.
When we don’t grow we become stale.
We feel lost or not good enough.
If you're not growing, you're dying it's a principle of nature.

One of the hardest things to do is leap into unknown
and push past the limitations we create for ourselves.

“Under pressure we don’t rise to the occasion we sink to our level of training”

When we feel pressure we often want to quit.
Every time we do quit, we just train ourselves to run away the next time there is pressure.
Unfortunately that's the exact sensation we should be running towards,
that's where the growth is. All the growth, all the development is in the stuff we find uncomfortable and unfamiliar.
When you feel pressure,
when the tension builds,
step into it!

Do not drop your standard.
Increase your effort.

If you are not willing to step into the unknown
then you are not willing to grow.
Ben Test Is it time for you to step into the tension?
Are you ready for change?
Are you ready for growth?

Love and light
Hattie xoxo

Click the image below to join my team.

How Do You Light A Fire With No Wood?

Insight without action is like a fire with a with lighter, but no wood.
The catalyst, the thing which calls forth all the energy is there
but the work to make it all happen isn’t.
You didn’t chop the wood and that’s why there is no fire.
How often have you had an insight?

“I want to be an inspiration to other women”

But you didn’t do any work,
you just kept telling yourself

“I wish I was an inspiration to other women, what should I do?”

Insight without action is just another way to describe anxiety.
You feel something, you perceive it has it has to change
but rather than taking action you just swing back to thinking about it some more.
I see it all the time.
Girls who want to become an inspiration to others
or want to compete in a show
or want to grow their PT business.
They will apply to join my program
or come to an event
we call them on the phone to see what they need help with
They tell us

“I have been thinking about competing for the last year and half”


A year and half not doing what they want
not getting to where they want to be
a year and a half stuck.

They had the insight but they took no action
and now rather than them burning bright for the whole world to see,
they are just standing there holding a lighter THINKING about collecting some wood.

There is allot of thinking and talking about it
but no much action,
no change and no result.

I want to help you with that.

Women always ask me how I got to the point where I'm a world champion who gets to do what I love: compete, travel the world educating and inspiring other women.

I love it, I feel blessed and deep gratitude
but I chopped the wood and built the fire to get here.

There are three parts.

1: Be the hardest worker in the room
2: Go into every interaction with love as your guide
3: Work with, connect with, apprentice yourself to, be coached or mentored by
the best people in the industry.

To do this will require an investment of the three most important things you possess: your resources, time and focus

That's why I’m running a two day masterclass with Bret Contreras

designed to teach you how chop wood, build a fire, and light it
so that you can burn bright for the whole world to see.
We cover all of the science needed to take your physique
or the physique of clients to the next level.

Bret is literally the guy who wrote the book and did the research on how to build you glutes and I’m the girl who implemented it, became the best in the world
and built the worlds best team of figure athletes using those insights.
I’ll also talk about how to train your emotions and mind to transform yourself, your body and your business to the point where Brett and I are: getting to travel the world and teach future leaders in the fitness industry how to really take it to the next level.

The event is nearly sold out and we are only accepting people who are in the right headspace and ready to learn.

Would like to apply for one of the last few spots?
Click this link

Enter your details and we will see if your the right fit to come and do some deep, intensive work with us.
I’m so pumped to share my knowledge, experience and passion with you
and so Is Brett.

Light and loving kindness,

That link again


Run Your Own Race

You are no less of a person if you are not as strong or lean as someone else.
You are no less of a person If you don’t have as many followers as someone else.

You are no less of a person - period.

It’s the act of comparing yourself to others that makes you feel less than.
It’s also completely untrue

You are running your own race, not someone else’s.
Your focus should be on YOUR OWN progress.
The time you waste watching everyone else
is time you're wasting NOT improving yourself.

If you feel the need to compare,
compare yourself from where you were 5 years ago,
to yourself one year ago
to yourself today.

I bet a lot has changed.
You should be proud of that.

It’s you Vs you.
Every single day.

Run Your Own Race!

In the Sports Model Project I teach you how to run your own race.
I teach you how to get yourself to the next level.
How to make decisions from a place of self-confidence and self love.
How to set your own direction in this life.
How to create a process to live your life by and then how to keep doing it.

The Sports Model Project is only for girls who have been training hard for at least 12 months and know how to use weights, sorry F45 or bootcamps don't cut it.

If your ready to run your own race, and win,
click on the banner below and apply for my team.

Love and light,
Hattie xoxo

Rome Wasn't Built In A Day And Neither Are Figure Competitors

People underestimate the time it takes for a natural athlete to build muscle.

If I think about how much time and effort I have put in over the last 10 years of training to build what I have today, that is thousands of hours of work.

There is no magic pill.
There is no magic number of sets and reps that will work.
There is no magic exercise
There is no magic diet

Just intelligent application of science, your mind and the effort it can generate.

All your thoughts
All your words
All your actions

That's the raw beauty of being a competitor.

Your body doesn’t get built in twelve weeks, twenty weeks, six months or one year.

It’s a lifetime of work that you continuously do with passion, discipline, love, effort, discomfort, sacrifice, trials and error and joy, overwhelming joy.

It’s not a sprint it’s a marathon followed by another marathon...

I get so excited, SO excited that I still have so much potential and progress to make over the next 10 + years.

I haven’t even peaked yet.

Every day is a chance to be better and do better.
So get excited about your progress!
Be proud of your hard work.

Appreciate your struggles.
We all have them and they aren't going away.

Everything, every emotion, every up and every down is a gift and a lesson that you can say contributed to the physique you have today.

This is the approach we take in The Sports Model Project.
That's why we are the number one team in the world.

We will only accept your application if
You're ready to go to the next level
You can support other women and are prepared to be supported in return
You have already been training hard, at the gym for at least 24 months
Are prepared to always be the hardest worker in the room
You are coachable

Click on the banner below to apply.

Light and loving kindness,
Hattie xoxox
(Super proud coach of the best team in the world.)

5 Traits The Best Programs All Share

The aim of any program is to nudge your metabolism.

Your metabolism takes all the information that your senses and your mind provide it about the world and it uses that data to decide how your body will work.

It send messages to your cells via hormones which tell cells what to do
Your metabolism decides to change your physique and/or physical capabilities (speed, strength, endurance etc)

So a good program is tailoring the information that your metabolism receives so that it will build the body that YOU want.

So What Characteristics Do The Best Programs Share?

1. Take Care With Your Thoughts
Your metabolism’s job is to sense stress and change your bodies functioning based off of that stress.

If your thoughts and emotions are highly stressed your physiology will be too. This messes up your metabolism and leads to increased body fat, cravings, bad sleep and even worse no sex drive and more.

This is the biggest block and it needs to be moved before exercise and nutrition.

2. Eat Real Food
All of the best diets are based off eating whole unprocessed foods.

A good vegan, vegetarian, paleo or Mediterranean diet all look pretty similar. Lots of fresh food, lots of veggies and enough protein for growth and repair (See 4)

3. Track Your Energy Intake. (It’s important to be precise)
Everyone’s metabolism is different so even though there are broad and relatively accurate rules we can apply to ourselves, all of us differ from the average person in some way. If you are not precise when you track you won’t be able to account for your individual variation.

To lose fat you will most probably have to create an energy deficit over time. This means you will have to decrease the amount of energy you consume relative to the amount of energy you burn.

Not enough of a deficit and you won’t lose body fat.
Too much of a deficit and your metabolism will swing back
and you will feel a change in your sleep, hunger, energy or you will experience cravings and then fall off the wagon.

4. Preserve Your Lean Tissue By Eating Enough Protein
Nothing makes you look better or helps you maintain a healthy metabolism than lean tissue.

As a rough guide you should consume between 1.8g- 2.2g of protein per kg per day of body weight.

If you weigh 60kg that’s 100g per day.

5. Do A Resistance Training Program Using Free-Weight Exercises
Exercise is form of stress.

Applying the correct stress will encourage your metabolism to change your body the way you want it to. Resistance training is the only form of exercise you need to do for a change in body composition.

Using compound exercises is ideal but feel free to build up to them by breaking movement patterns into component isolation exercises.

Keep adding weight/reps/time to all of your reps and sets.
Getting stronger at whatever rep range you are training is the key to changing your body composition.

These ideas are the basics of what I teach all of my girls.

Until recently the only way to work with me has been in my super high-level Sports Model Project.

SMP Elite is super intense and really for women who are looking to be the best of the best, get on stage or really take their career in the fitness industry to the next level.

Click here to apply for SMP Elite

But that’s not what everybody needs.

SMP Diamond Is for girls who are getting more serious and want to be in The Sports Model Project with coaching and regular check in's but maybe aren't looking to compete.

Click here to join SMP Diamond

SMP Gold is perfect If you are at the start of your journey or are getting back into training and you need the best training programs and nutrition to do it.

Click here to Join SMP Gold

Love and light
Hattie (I'm having the best month, I hope you are too!)


The Miracle of Using the Right Words

Be aware of your words.
They are powerful.
Be mindful of your language.
It creates your meaning.

What you say to yourself on a daily basis CREATES how you feel.
It creates your emotions.

How you feel will determine to your actions.
Your actions create your outcomes.

Getting what you want in this life starts with the things that you say to yourself.

Words —> Emotion —> Action—> Outcomes

Do you want to learn this process and finally develop elite body composition?

My program is only for girls who are ready to work each and every day to become the best possible version of themselves.

No excuses, action only.


Love and Light
Hattie xoxo


Click the below image to find out more

The Nutrition Myth That Kills Competition Results

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about nutrition.
Mostly because of the crazy results our girls are getting in my new Diamond program and it’s hot on my mind.

But mostly because it’s that time of year everyone is about to sell you a
7 day detox/6 week challenge/12 week comp prep
so I’ve been seeing a lot of myths floating around about nutrition.

Here are a few of those myths.
1. You need to eat “clean” to get lean
2. You can eat whatever you want as long as you hit your macros
3. You can eat low calories safely for long periods of time
4. You can make yourself “burn more energy”
5. Losing weight is as simple as energy in - energy out
6. Your metabolism is a “fire” that you need to stoke
7. A supplement will “supercharge” your results
8. There is one “magic diet” that solves everything

And the list goes on and on and on...
Anyway, all these myths are dangerous to your health.

And, if you believe them, are probably robbing yourself of your results

and the trophies at competitions are going to someone else who is ignoring all those so-called “rules.”

Just something to think about.
Especially the next time you push that low calorie + heaps of cardio button...

Love and light
Hattie xoxo

Ps: To join my Diamond program click the image bellow

What is the Best Version of You?

Visualise your life. Visualise your goals.

Who do you want to be?
What characteristics does the best version of you posses?

What characteristic do you need to develop so that you can finally be that person?

Where will your goals take you?
What is the standard you need to live by
every single day to create the life you want?

All of this is in your control if you decide to TAKE control.

What Is your greatest asset?

Your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you have.

But how do you get there?
How do you go from where you are right now to being the bright radiant shining version of yourself?
It's more simple than you imagine.

Ask yourself:
"Are the words thoughts and actions I consistently choose to use, serving me a purpose?"

"Is this (word/thought/action) taking me to where I want to go?"
"If it’s not, what needs to change?"

What can you do right at this very moment to change your direction so that you can be the best version of you?

No more excuses. No more blame. Take control.

Be the best version of you
right now

Apply to join my team here.

Loving kindness and light.
Hattie xoxo

P.S. Couldn't resist adding my favourite quote from Marianne Williamson

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?'

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of the universe.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Apply for The Sports Model Project by clicking on the image below.

Get Off The Hamster Wheel and Start Growing As A Person

I am so grateful that at some point in my life I made the decision to be the guardian and nurturer of my soul.

I took it upon myself to learn the skills and develop the tools to self-sooth AND maintain a burning desire to keep being better.

The drive for self-improvement doesn’t have to come from pain.
It is exponentially more beautiful when it comes from the joy of infinite possibility that WE ALL HAVE ACCESS TO!

My catch up calls with my SMP girls last Friday, reinforced the value of the mental and emotional tools which I teach the girls and how powerful they are at helping them grow and evolve into the people they want to be.

Right now it’s mediation month in The Sports Model Project.

We are all using Headspace then giving our reflections of our practice inside of our private group. It’s been a challenge and a massive life upgrade for the whole team.

It’s the girls who apply these skills and tools that get the most phenomenal growth.

We are seeing some pretty profound changes in the nature of the girl's minds and the quality of their experience of this life.

We also see that they change physically. They are less bloated, less puffy and their measurements have started to move in a consistent fashion.
Because in order to change who you are you must be willing to let go of the past.
You must be willing to change your old thoughts, words and actions.
We all believe that we are a certain way now,
because of something that happened in the past.

But that's not true.

Stuff happened once, we responded to it the best we could at the time but

all of our responses from here on out
are a choice that we make right now
and then decide to keep on making.

Most women change their bodies without changing who they are mentally and emotionally and therefore they never really change.
They put all the effort in the external validation and base their happiness on that.

They have a new body but they still have the same stories,
the same limitations,
the same insecurities
which is why they never appreciate
or see what they have just achieved.
I know how that feels, I have been there many times before too.

But If you want to have true self-confidence,
if you want to be happy,
then you need to start acting and thinking in a way that supports those goals, otherwise no matter that you do,
no matter how good you look,
it will never be enough.
It’s weird, people always say to me don’t ever change.
I have been told this by someone at every different stage I have been in.

The thing is, I had changed.
I have to change.
I must keep changing.
I can not be the person I was 10 years ago if I want to keep evolving.

The true transformation is in the mind.

If you do not put effort into changing this,
the more things change,
the more they’ll stay the same.
You will find yourself on the emotional hamster wheel.

Do you need help getting off the hamster wheel?
Have been putting in the work, but you keep finding yourself back at the start again?

Click on the image below to apply for one of the limited spots in my team.

Light and loving kindness
Hattie xoxo