8 Reasons Your Diet Is Failing

  1. The Wrong Mindset. Dieting is all in your mind. Humans can survive for weeks at a time with little to no food. So why can’t we go a day without blowing it?It's all about our emotions, our relationship to food and the labels (thoughts) we associate with what we eat.In my experience most women are so hard on themselves that even if they are successful it's a miserable experience. Is that you?
  2. No Hunger Management. The most common diet advice is to eat less or reduce portion sizes after all eating chicken and broccoli is how you win fitness shows and I heard women In France only eat tiny portions. However the leaner you get the hungrier you get. Eventually hunger wins over your desire to be lean and you start eating anything in your path. Any diet that starts with you eating less volume of food will fail. Eating more volume of food and managing your hunger is actually the key to success. In answer to the question that instantly formed in your mind: Yes,

    YOU can eat more food and lose body fat.

  3. Satiety (feeling full) is key. You have a hidden brain inside your gut telling your system when you have had enough to eat. Neurons and receptors give feedback to your brain. The more that your stomach expands the more satiated (full) you feel. That’s why liquid calories are a bad idea on a program for weight loss, they put calories in your body without making you full. To stop yourself from feeling hungry you need to expand your stomach maximally. Over the long term you won’t do that drinking juice or having shakesYes, wine is liquid calories.
  4. Stop Depriving Yourself. Why? It’s all psychological: The forbidden fruit effect. “Don’t eat the cookie, don’t eat the cookie""You're not the boss of me""I forbid you from eating the cookie”…… “Ooops I ate all the cookies, i’ll just get started again on Monday”Instead of deprivation Imagine what you can eat, rather than what you can’t eat. Your mindset can also effect your physiological response to food. How we are feeling about our food also completely changes our experience of it. Try this. Take one square of your favourite chocolate. Close your eyes, put it on your tongue and let it melt. Swirl it around your mouth and really taste it.See how different that experience of eating chocolate is to just smashing half a block. Our experience of food takes place in our mind.
  5. You're Not Tracking What You Eat. The number one dietary intervention is a food diaryMake sure you are accurate because most people underestimate how much they eat. In studies people under-report what they eat by 30% and women are much more likely than men to underestimate the amount they are eating. On the other hand, most people overestimate the calorie burnt from exercise by 40%
  6. Your Not Aware Of The Energy And Health Content. Health content and energy content are two different things. Today heaps of food products are using health washing to make you think that they are good choice. For people example underestimate the caloric intake of their food by up to 40% if it’s labelled organic.
  7. You Don't Make A Plan. Hunger + Decision fatigue = Diet failure Don’t shop hungry, don’t cook hungry and don’t order hungryPre-plan what you think you will eat tomorrow. Don’t worry if it changes but a least you know where your meals are coming from and you won’t be making food decisions hungry.
  8. We are just lazy apes. Keep food away. Keep it out of sight and out of reach. Out of reach is way more important than out of sight. If its hard to get too you won’t eat it. I never really cook or order myself pasta but if my boyfriend does and it’s there on the table I will definitely eat it. So don’t buy chips and chocolate etc and leave them in the house. If it’s around you will eat it. It’s not because you failed it’s just because we are all lazy apes.

So in summary stop denying yourself food, track what you eat,
make sure you are full and start planning what you eat.

That’s what I teach all of my girls in the Sports Model Project.
They develop confidence and great relationship with food.

It’s also how they get elite body composition and love the process.

So to help you, we developed the ultimate macro plan. It's a great starting point to figure out what you should be eating, and how much. You can download the macro plan HERE.

The link again: Ultimate Macro Plan

Love and light
Hattie xoxo


What's The First Thing That You Change When You Don’t Get What You Want?

Do you have an excuse?
Or do you ask for some better solutions?

Do you find fault with others or do you focus on what you can control?

Do you complain
or do you find the lesson?

Do you try harder or do you quit
ask a question or go into your shell?

Sometimes being successful is just about asking yourself some better questions.

So rather than
“How will I ever do this, I’m too busy”

"How can I break this into more manageable tasks?”

Instead of
“I’m going to quit”
“What are all of the reasons I need to finish?”

“Why didn’t my teacher/coach/school/boss/boyfriend/girlfriend do what I wanted?
“What could I have done differently”

Instead of
“Why don’t I get what I want?”
“What action could I take right now to get a better result?”

What is the first thing that you SHOULD change when you don’t get what you want?

Change your language, change the question you are asking.

Ask a better question,
get a better answer

then get a way better result.
That's how we get you started in The Sports Model Project.

We ask you some better questions
get some much better answers
then get you the best result.

Click the banner below to get started.

Love and light
Hattie xoxo


How do you get achieve a sustainable and beautifully balanced physique?

You need to spend time laying down foundations.

Unfortunately foundation building get skipped because people overshoot their level of training. Every girl who joins The Sports Model Project believes that her training age and ability is much greater than what it truely is.

They want to do what all the cool kids are doing, lift heavy, crush themselves every session you know like girls on Instagram.

I'm not immune from this. I've made the same mistake.

Problem is eventually you will break down...

I did.

Last year I got injured, and it was because I neglected an area of training that I didn’t attach importance to.

I was the strongest I had ever been which was awesome for my ego, however my symmetry and movement was off.

I trained myself into the ground and at the end I could squat 145kg but I was injured and as thankful as I am for that amazing journey it didn't build the exact physique I needed.
I have spent the last year rebuilding and retraining all my movement patterns to improve my symmetry and strength.

I am looking forward to rebuilding my strength in my squats when the time is right and I have ironed out my imbalances. Interesting side note, Russian (Soviet) Olympic team used single leg and single limb exercises for the first FOUR years of their athletes olympic training careers.

These some of the strongest, fastest most powerful athletes ever.

If it's good enough for them its good enough for you and I?

Why not set strength goals on single limb exercises?
Why not shoot for a max with perfect technique and tempo on a single leg deadlift?

The more I train, the smarter I get with building my physique.
It meant pulling back, to shoot me forward.

A solid foundation means a stronger, better proportioned physique.

A physique which won’t break down and It means lifelong sustained success.

Not only have I improved my imbalances, I fixed a lot of my re-occurring injuries and I was able to bring my best package yet to stage.

All from basing my training around a “structural balance” program.
It's now also the stuff I'm sharing on social.

Drop the ego.
Don’t neglect the foundations.

That's how we do it in The Sports Model Project.
We use a considered, scientific process to get you the best result now
and in the future.
It's not for the fainthearted or for anybody looking for an easy option.

It is for women who want to be challenged
It is for women who want to be transformed.

So to help you out, I created my Ultimate Workout Plan - it will guide you through building a super strong foundation, including many of these single leg exercises to get you truely strong.

Enter your details below and we'll send you out the workout plan.


Talk Dirty To Me

But please stop talking dirty to yourself

Stop describing life as as a grind, telling the world how tough Monday is
or that Wednesday is hump day.

I see women broadcasting it as a badge of honour.

After all most of life is routine.

Training definitely is by definition it's a series of repetitions.

Actions that are repeated over a week and month.
Then over a year
…then over a lifetime.

So if you describe training or any of your routine as

Hustle, rise and grind
Getting back to the grind
Back in the gym grinding

You are building a world for yourself that is a grind these are all different ways to tell yourself how difficult it is to do what you want.

You want to be in amazing shape
You want to work hard
You actually love discipline.

But grind world consists purely of survival.

You are telling yourself that you are in survival mode and
that If you struggle enough (grind) you might just scrape through.


The great ones aren’t grinding.
They are enjoying the process. They own it.
They are doing what they like and doing it with a mindset of joy and thankfulness.

Because of that
your work is of higher quality
you train harder and harder
and you achieve new heights.

You continue to grow, you continue to get better.

Every action,
every choice
no matter how tough or demanding
reaffirms your happiness.

In contrast the women grinding stays in the exact same gear and
she never speeds up
she is stuck in the traffic
she never gets on the freeway
never feels the breeze in her hair.

The real lesson is that language is important

What we say to the world on social media and to ourselves in our own mind
changes the results and outcomes we experience in our life.
It totally determines the quality of your experience in this life.

This is why working on your mindset is everything.

It literally decides whether or not you will be successful and
whether or not you can enjoy that success.

You can choose to a live a life of joy, wonder and passion
you can talk dirty to yourself
choose to live in survival mode,
in hustle
down in the grind.

The words you use to describe your life are your choice.

So choose love.
Choose abundance.
Choose passion and live a life of joy filled with wonder.

These are the habits of mind that I have baked into my super high level program The Sports Model Project.

We teach you to
Transform your body
Transform your mind and
Transform your experience of this amazing life.

My team is busy filling the last few spots then the program is closed for the next six months

You can jump the queue by clicking this link and entering your details.

But The Sports Model Project is not what everybody needs right now.
If you're at the start of your journey
or if you're getting back into training
it’s allot to start with.

So I developed a program just for you.

It’s called Sports Model Project Gold and I’m releasing it on Monday next week

I’m going to cap the number of girls in Sports Model Gold so that I can keep optimising it.

Email me back back if you want to get on the
“VIP Notification list" and i’ll let you know before we launch.

First in best dressed

Love and Light
Hattie xoxoxo

Leader of 2017's Number One Team Of Sports Models.

Click here to jump the queue into The Sports Model Project
Click here to get on the Sports Model Gold VIP invitation list.

What Are The Exact Foods You Eat To Get Ready For Your Show?

I facepalm every time I get this question because underlying it is magical thinking.

There is no magic diet.
There is no magic food.
There is no magic exercise.
There is no magic training program.

There is just a process that you develop and implement.

So when I compete, I implement the same process I use all year round
but I implement it harder and with more precision as I prepare for a show.

The search for the magical "answer" is really an attempt to shy away from doing the work.

Because it's easier to keep "trying" new methods or "experimenting" to see what "works" than it is to commit to a process.

But you're not average Friend you have committed to a process before but it was pretty close to torture. No food, heaps of cardio with minimal results and the results you did get didn’t last.

So I understand if you're still casting around looking for an answer.

That's why I have created a really simple process for you to follow.

It 's based on the exact method I use all year round and I have never made it available outside of my super high-level team in The Sports Model Project.

How to train, track and eat for elite body composition.

**It’s my new Sports Model Gold Program **and I can’t wait to share the details with you. Keep your eyes peeled I'll be launching the program next week.

I’ll also be limiting the amount of people in the program so click this link and message me back if you want to get on the “VIP Notification list”

Love and light
Hattie xoxoxo

Yes, The Fitness industry Is Lying To You

It drives me crazy.

It’s spring in Australia.

So it’s the time of year where everyone in the fitness industry starts lying to you.

They lie about how long it takes to get in shape and exactly all of the benefits of their program.
They never mention how long the results last or how you will be improved a person.

So get ready to be bombarded by 30-day booty programs, ab-blasting detox’s and 14-day Chinese herb "fasts" (no, seriously)

If you're in America or Europe it’s pretty much the same all year round, a new miracle diet or cure that makes it easy”

It ain't easy. Sorry, it just isn't.

It’s also not that hard.

Lasting results require consistency, self-love and a mindset that doesn’t expect everything to come at once.
Restriction and overkill at the start of your program are what kill results at the end of your program.

So if you're from the quick fix brigade I can’t help you.
Don’t get me wrong I can starve you and make you sweat a whole heap and get you to “drop 5kg in 14 days” but honestly It won’t stick and you'll just get fat afterwards.

It’s really just the easy way to feel good for a week or two.

Ease doesn’t leave the same impact on your psyche and your soul that difficulty does. That process doesn’t help you to grow and develop as a woman.

Sounds crazy right?

You should seek out the harder solution, the one that requires you to grow as a person.

My favourite clients over years have been the girls that got the slowest results or no results and still kept pushing themselves and being disciplined and eating right and projecting positivity because


Just like my amazing girls Jenny and Joanne who train harder than everybody, are more diligent with their diet add more weight to the bar and just broadcast positivity and love everywhere they go even though their results are slow.

(Yes, It keeps me up at night)

The rate that your body adds muscle or loses fat is different for everybody.

Some people are “hyper-responders” a little training and dietary change and they look amazing. (We all have a friend and probably a brother like that).
There are also under-responders, people who don’t respond much to training and nutrition and see really slow changes in their body composition.

Most of us are somewhere in the middle.
We have no control over that.

We can only control our thoughts, words and actions.

When you only learn to stave yourself you never learn how to control your mind and your body and that's the key to true success.

So, I can’t stand the lies the fitness industry is selling you about how quick you can “shred fat”, it’s mainly bullshit and even when the quick fix works it’s usually quickly broken too.

The Sports Model Project is all about the process of personal transformation. Teaching you the power of moderation, correct mindset and discipline plus learning to train and eat for your body and your chemistry.

The result of these things is overwhelming confidence and funny enough, elite body composition.

Until now the only way to work with me has been in my super high-level Sports Model Project.

That program is super intense and really for women who are looking to be the best of the best, get on stage or really take their career in the fitness industry to the next level.

If that’s what you need you can click here to apply.

But that’s not what everybody needs.
If you're at the start of your journey or if you're getting back into training it’s a bit too much to start with.

So I developed a program just for you.

It’s called Sports Model Project Gold and I’m releasing it next week.

I’m going to cap the number of girls in the program so I can keep optimising it.

Click this link and message me back if you want to get on the “VIP Notification list" and I'll let you know before we launch.

First in best dressed

Click here to get on the “VIP Notification list" for Sports Model Project Gold

This Is Why Healthy Snacks Will Make You Fat

Yep, it’s that simple.

So-called “healthy” snacks are often higher in calories, fat and carbs than the “dirty” snacks that you used to eat.

But because they are “clean” we eat them.

This is just another way that “clean eating” is leading you down the road to nowhere.

Salted caramel date slice, sweet potato brownies and in the case of my girls Jenny and Joanne, the dreaded broccoli chips.

I love Jenny and Joanne, sisters who really good people with great energy.

They joined my high-level program at the start of the year and they are just a breath of fresh air.

Both girls have trained super hard, made a whole heap of changes with their habits and have gotten way stronger but the change in their physiques have been less than they, and I expect.

It’s been keeping me up at night.

I kept going over their numbers,
I checked their programs
I asked other coaches for ideas and
I was stumped.

99% of the time people who aren’t getting the results aren’t following the process, or they aren’t training hard enough

or they aren’t doing those two things consistently enough.

But that’s not the case with Jenny and Joanne
Then last week there was a light bulb moment.
The girls compared their food diaries.

They have different macros and eat different food but one thing was the same.
Broccoli chips

A healthy snack.
Clean eating at it’s best baby.
* The so-called healthy snack was adding an extra 500 calories a day
* 20 odd grams of fat and
* over a week it was 3500 extra calories.

That’s like eating an extra day and a half worth of food.

So this week we dropped the broccoli chips and we saw a really nice drop in measurements.

So what can you learn from that?
* Clean eating isn’t your friend
* Snacks are snacks
* If you're not getting what you want and you quit, you definitely won’t get what you want EVER.

Keep working until you find the answer.

The difficulty is an invitation to try harder and to GROW.
(Thanks for the inspiration Jenny and Joanne)
Most importantly

You need to follow a process to get a lasting change.

It’s the process you follow that determines your results and whether or not you can maintain them for life.

Next week I’m opening up my new program
Sports Model Project Gold.
I have never made my process available to girls outside of my high level
Sports Model Project so I’m capping a number of girls I accept.

If you want to get on the “VIP Invitation List”
and email me: hattieboydle@gmail.com
with a little introduction.
You will get first preference for one of the spots on my team

Love and light
Hattie xoxo

10 things fitness models understand

1. Discipline feels good, not bad
(In fact, self-mastery is the best feeling in the world)

2. You eat and train NOT diet and exercise

3. Doing weights right, makes you smaller, not bigger
(Nope you're not the genetic freak who “puts on muscle easy”)

4. Cardio makes you hungry
(good luck sticking to a nutrition strategy)

5. How you feel directly affect’s how you look.
(and vice versa)

6. Eating the right amount of food for your metabolism, training, and goals is the definition of healthy.
(Yep being able to say no is healthy, so is being able to say yes)

7. You can have it all
(eat food you like, train hard, work hard, have spare time and look banging in a bikini)

8. There is no difference between your body and your brain.
(You are all of your thought’s and all of your feelings)

9. It's the process that's important not the result.
(So engage in the process with joy)

10. Love is the most important thing in the world.
(I’m not sure if all Sports models know that, but this one does.)

Are you living these ten principles?
Do you want to take them and go to the next level?

I have re-opened entry into the Sports Model Project.

It’s my program for women who want to go to the next level with their training and mindset.

Click this link and you can jump the queue into my team.

Love and light
Hattie xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxooxxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxox


Apply to join the world 's number one team of sports models here

The One Thing I Learned That Will Make You Happy

I didn't win the world title.
I was second and to be honest, I cried for a week.

Since then I have been on a bit of a holiday
enjoying a little downtime and getting my head around how I feel and where I am at.
I kind of learnt again what makes us happy
and I guess it's something we learn and re-learn our whole life
Don't Forget To Feel The Breeze On Your Cheek.
It's so easy to keep projecting forward.
It's so easy to keep ruminating about what happened before.
It's so easy to stress about what isn't
It's so easy to punish yourself with what should be.
All of that is SO hard.
You're missing something amongst all of that thinking.
Thinking about the past,
the future
and what isn't.
You're missing what IS.
You're missing how beautiful the breeze feels when it blows on your cheek.
You're missing
the majesty of sunset
and the mystery of sunrise
and the magic of rain clouds.
So as focused as I am right now
focused on a goal, my future and all I planned for
I'm still here, right now in this moment........ and it's beautiful.
But I didn't just land at this point magically.
In fact it's taken as much work to shape my mind as it has to shape my body.
It's required the discipline to meditate.
It's required the strength to walk away from a lifetime of stories,
stories I invented and told myself.
And a commitment to
Right words
Right actions
Right thoughts.
Every moment of my life.
Here I am, the number 2 sports model in the world,
the leader of the number #1 team of fitness models in the world,
my amazing Sports Model Project.
I'm at the end of my holiday,
the world
and this life
are full of so much happiness, joy and beauty.
Winning, losing or any of the hurdles we come across can never change that.
So, no matter where you are In your journey
Don't forget to feel the breeze on your cheek.

Oh I nearly forgot, next week I am starting to re-open entry into
The Sports Model Project.

Do If you want to transform your body?
Transform your mind and transform your life?

Click this link and you can jump the queue into my program
Spaces are super limited

Love and light
Hattie xoxo


That link again