Are You Fiercely Independent?

​Do you remember that time when you were a teenager?

Where no matter what anybody said…

Old friends…

You were going to rebel against it.


I love those parts of us.

They’re the ones that make impact…
That walk their own path…
That create their own destiny…

I LOVE these parts of you and of me.

What do you bet?

Those parts got me my nose ring.

And at 35?
I still like it.

But here’s a tricky thing:

A lot of people get stuck in independence.

They don’t even know that there’s a 3rd stage.

Where we can exert and practise choice on

- who and how we want to be,
- what we want to do,
- how we want to show up…

But also recognise

- where we need help.
- where our experience could be better.
- where things could be more efficient.

So we can make greater impact.

THAT is the practice of interdependence.

The ability to give and receive.

I wonder what stage you’re at?

Are there parts of you still working
super hard to exert interdependence?
EVEN at the cost of your wellbeing?

A lot of our girls in SMP are
FIERCELY independent (just like you).

But I’ve also learned that
if you’re doing it all by yourself?
There are pieces missing.

I know that “teenage” part of you might say “NO”.
But what about YOU?
Would you say “NO”?

Or is it time to get some help?

—> Click here and you’ll be speaking to one of our team members soon.

SMP Neuropsych

How To ACTUALLY Remain Consistent EVEN When You DON'T Feel Like It

​We all have moments like that.

And some people might say:

“Well, it all comes down to how driven/motivated you are.”

Which works, I agree.
Until… it doesn’t.

I mean, here’s the thought:

Hattie Boydle,
Simone Balls,
Serena Williams,

These pros don’t rely on motivation.
They all have the same amount of time in the day as you do – everyday.

But they manage to get more done.
Truth is, they all have an awesome team around them, supporting them.

Which for the same reason we built…

The Sports Model Project.

All the hardest workers in the room, like you
have multiple things to do.

And you know you are not in the position as someone like Serena Williams or Hattie.

So the question then becomes:

“How do we bridge the gap?
“How do we get from where we are to where we want to be?”

Here’s the secret:

Those women mentioned above?

They actually managed to get more organised
BEFORE they managed to get successful.

And that’s what makes them Pro.
That’s what sets them apart from amateurs.

Organisation is such a skill that’s often overlooked
but will set you up for success.

It gives you power.

And I’m not saying motivation doesn’t.
Motivation gives you power too when it’s there but what about when it fades?

What should you rely on?
This is where organisation comes in.

Because you may get access to the world’s best training/nutrition program.
And learn ALL the amazing tools in the world.

But if you don’t know how to implement them consistently?

Then you’re not really any better off.
This is why organisation is essential for your continued success.

It’s the safety net that’s gonna catch you even when motivation fades away.

But just like any other skills, organisation takes time.
It takes practice.

It took me a whole team of elite coaches to master organisation and become a Pro myself.

So if you need help with that?

—> Click here and we’ll be chatting soon.

SMP Coaching Team

Do You Feel Stressed Or Anxious When Trying To Plan Your Workout?

If yes?

You’re making things more complex than they need to be.

That’s totally normal though.

After all, we hear things like:

“You need to shock the muscles.”


“This new booty burn blitz is sure to give you the results you’re after.”

In reality –

If you did the exact same thing every training session?

You would experience a WAY better result than switching it up ALL the time.

Training is just practice.

And practising the same thing over and over again is what gets YOU results.

If you tried to make your favourite meal with new recipes constantly?

It would turn out different every time.

If you just practised the same recipe over and over?

It would eventually turn out perfect.

Same with exercise.

Now, I’m not hating on variety.

The ideal training program sits somewhere in the middle.


Which is what you are here to achieve, right?

When using properly structured variety, you’re always getting better at something.

The feeling of getting better at something makes you feel good

That’s why in SMP…

Our routines are designed so that each program leads you to the next one.
(And the next one.)

And your transformation leads you to the next level (and the next level) over the course of 6-12 months and beyond.

Want to learn how to structure your training for variety?

And finally get results that last?

In SMP, you will

- receive next-level guidance from our specialist team of elite coaches

- learn how to train systematically and perform at a high-level constantly

- develop habits and skills in organisation

So you can transform into the physique that you want AND enjoy the process.

To get access to all of that and more:

Click here and we’ll be speaking soon.

Love and light,
The SMP Coaching Team

Russian Athletes and the Elite Way of Training

(How can it help you?)

In former USSR…

(Which is the greatest program ever for sports)

…they would do single leg exercises with their athletes for the first FOUR years.

And take note:
These aren't normal athletes.

At that time, kids were doing gymnastics everyday pretty much of their life.

They would find the kids in every school who were best at gymnastics, and put them in a special school.

Those kids would continue to train in gymnastics until they become elite-level gymnasts.

And then they would say:

“Hey. We've looked at your body and the way you move. We think that you should be a sprinter.”

Then they would take that person, and start doing weights with them.

And guess what?

- They're not doing squats.
- They're not doing deadlifts.
- They're doing single limb exercises ONLY for FOUR years.

UNTIL they start to do the squat, the deadlift and the bench press and all these exercises.

Unfortunately, we're not at the level of those Russian gymnasts.

So there's no need to jump ahead.

We're leaving MOST of the improvement on the table.

In our previous post, we talked about how much your body can change as the size of the cup.

This cup will remain small until we nail all those isolated, smaller movements.

So the challenge for you…

- to get the result that you want
- to have the change in your body that YOU want

…is to work really hard at those isolated movements.

The way we do it at SMP?

We do movement screenings where we get you to film yourself and see:

“Am I doing it the same?” or
“Am I improving?”

So you learn to

- Practise perfect technique.
- Build perfect tension.

Then, the cup grows bigger.

We can put more amino acids in it.

- Your body changes quicker.
- You get better at these isolated movements.
- Then you start to do the cool stuff – deadlift, squat, and all the rest of it.

Do you have a specific process to manage all of these?

Or is it time to get some expert help?

Click this link.

Someone from our team will reach out.

The SMP Coaching Team

Impulse vs Intuition

​Do you consider yourself to be intuitive?

The sort of person who follows her heart…
Who listens to her gut.

And I wonder if at the same time, you feel some frustration.

Maybe you’re not living to your standards.
Maybe there are some goals that you want to meet.
And you have not seem to meet them yet.

That can be quite frustrating, right?

Here’s what I want to suggest:

impulse dresses up as intuition.

Sometimes we can mistake impulse as intuition.


Impulse, unless very thoroughly trained, is highly unlikely to lead us towards growth.

Impulse wants to keep us comfortable most of the time.

It wants to keep us safe.
Which is a really good thing.

Unless it gets in the way of our growth.

So I want to suggest that:

We can be deeply intuitive.
But we may not be impulsive.

We can be deeply intuitive, and still follow a path.
And still step into our greatness.

But it’s going to take a moment of pause, of humility, of questioning intuition when it is dressed as impulse.

So that we can go beyond the uncomfort zone into growth and greatness.

If you need some help doing that?

We’ve got a team that can help you tune into your intuition.

And help you notice the difference between intuition and impulse.

We’ve got a team that has created a plan to help YOU step into your greatness, expand your comfort zone, and BE the person you are destined to be.

It’s time.
Live your spirit,
Be your vision.

>>>Click here and you’ll be speaking to one of our team.

All the best,
SMP Heart Coach

Q: Why Aren’t You Getting Results?

​A: STOP training like a robot

So here’s the big Q:

Where do results come from?

We usually point straight at training and nutrition.

Which is true, but only for those whose training age is zero.

(Note: If you haven’t been consistently training
in the last 2 years or more,
your training age is still effectively zero.)

That is why beginner and intermediate athletes
can do random training programs like 12-week challenges
and still see changes in their physique.

All they need to do is start training and eat right.
Then their body responds.


This doesn’t work for you anymore.

For someone like you who has
a training age of 2+ years?

Training isn’t where your body changes.

In fact, overfocusing on your training
IS the reason why you’re stuck.

Now that the rules are different…

The stimulus of your training
should match the overload
your now well-conditioned body needs
to induce it to change.

In short, you need a much more structured
and sophisticated program.

But how are you going to manage all of that?

This is where SMP comes in.


You receive programming and specific coaching
in the high-performance skills
you are missing right now.

So that you can finally achieve
the results you highly deserve
and have been striving for years.

Is it time to get help?

>>>Click the link now and book a call.

Someone from our specialist team will reach out.

Love and light,
The SMP Coaching Team

Do You Ever Notice… Just How Hard It Is To Reach Out For Help?

I get that.

There’s part of your system that is SO fiercely independent.

That must climb every mountain.

Tick every box.

Achieve every goal.

AND she will do it on her own.

I have that part in me too. 🙂

She’s amazing.

My God.

Has she done heavy lifting to get me and YOU where you’re at.


 What if the tool that got you here…

Isn’t the same tool that’s needed to get you to the next stage?

What IF it was a different question?

Not one that threatens Independence.

But one that BUILDS Agency.

One that allows you to learn and build and receive these skills and tools that you need.

So you can feel MORE autonomous on the back end?

One of the mantras we have in the Sports Model Project is:

Never trust a coach without a coach.

NEVER trust a mentor who doesn’t have one.

So my question to YOU is:

If we could help you with helping agency and autonomy…

…what would that look like?

—> Click the link now and we’ll be speaking soon.

Love and light,
SMP Neuro-Psych

How Does Nutrition (And Training) Change My Body?

​Before we talk about the nutrition part.

Let’s first have a look at how training changes your body.

So first thing that happens:
You do the weights.

Which creates stress on the muscle
(aka mechanical tension).

Then mechanical tension breaks the muscle fibres down.

Next, an inflammation signal is sensed by your metabolism.

Metabolism sends resources to that area to repair it.

And when the mechanical tension was great enough?

Your metabolism perceives that

- it must make that area stronger

- and maybe even change
the size of those muscle fibres.

So this is important for you to note:

Your body doesn’t actually care about the exercises you do.

All it perceives is

- the mechanical tension
on the muscle, and then

- information response needs
to send resources to that area


How does your body decide to send how many resources?

This is where nutrition comes in.

Your gut is constantly talking to your body.

And it’s like:

Oh, we’ve got this amount of resources.

We’ve got this amount of amino acids, protein, carbs, fat, etc.
that we can spare for this job.

So if you’re not eating enough?
There’s no resources.

Nothing happens with your squats because your body goes:

Hey, we're not gonna grow anything down on that booty.

We need those resources for the brain and to run this system.

So what makes the difference?

It’s not the exercise, nor the type of food you eat


It’s about

- The level of mechanical stress your muscle receives

- The level of resources your metabolism can send to the stressed area to change it

How do you know if it’s the right level?

This is exactly where SMP comes in.


We have specific programming and coaching in high-performance skills and habits you are missing right now.

You will be guided by our team of elite coaches.

And learn all the foundations and tools you need to achieve elite body composition and maintain it for the rest of your life.

To get access to all of that:

Click the link now.

Someone from our specialist team will reach out.

SMP Coaching Team

The Key To Transforming Your Physique?

​Short answer:

It is constantly getting better at the most important things.

What are the important things?

I’ll explain in just a sec.

But let me start with what’s NOT important.

And that’s all those “cute” workouts you see on IG.

You know…

The ones with booty bands that influencers post on their Reels.

Don’t get me wrong.
Those girls are cute!

But their goals are likely not the same as yours.

If you just flap your arms around like a chicken?

Sure, they’ll get tired.

But will that make you stronger?
Does that make any progress in your physique?

Answer is:
Most likely…


And it definitely won’t turn you into an elite athlete.

So what DOES matter?

Getting stronger at a variety of rep ranges, for one.

But most people are only using one or two rep ranges.

Like only lifting heavy.
Or only doing high reps.

And they’re not getting any varied stimulus to keep their body changing.

Mixing up training is FUN too.

Instead of having to max out your weight on a 3 rep squat every week?

You get to come in and experience the feeling of doing 20 reps some days.

Both are difficult.

But they certainly give you different feelings.

That’s why in SMP?

We have varied the stimulus in each program.

Sometimes, we change one or two variables like rest time and number of sets.

And that change in stimulus is what makes the competitive athletes in SMP BETTER than everybody else.

Would you like some help with that?

In SMP you will:

Click the link now.

Someone from our team will reach out.

Love and light,
The SMP Coaching Team