Bret Contreras

"I have the good privilege of knowing Hattie Boydle as a colleague, lifting partner, and friend."

"As a colleague, I can attest that Hattie is driven to learn the best possible strategies for her clients and followers. She loves learning new material and is never content with her knowledge and understanding of the world. Her work ethic is admirable and she cares deeply for the people who put their trust in her to help them improve their posing, physiques, and well-being. We put on seminars together and the energy and commitment she has for the attendees are second to none; it’s a pleasure watching her perform."

"As a lifting partner, Hattie is consistent, accountable, and motivating. Simply watching her train is a beautiful thing as she approaches lifting like an art form. She hones her skills and pays close attention to mechanics, program design, and physiology. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who trains as hard as Hattie and that’s saying a lot considering I’ve worked with 2,000+ clients in my 22 year personal training career."

"As a friend, Hattie has helped me be the best I can be. She pushes me to find true happiness by encouraging me to relax, improve my business strategies, consider different avenues, and make good long term decisions."

"Hattie is the real deal and I vouch for her character and expertise."

Bret Contreras

PhD, CSCS., The Glute Guy

Dr Tony Boutagy

"Hattie Boydle is a true champion. A champion elite athlete, a champion coach and a champion mentor."

"In over two decades of coaching, Hattie is - by far - the hardest working, the singularly focused and the most meticulously dedicated athlete I have ever seen"

"Her commitment, education and care for her own athletes is the true model of excellence and her holistic approach to training, lifestyle and nutrition is at the pinnacle of the industry, and the results clearly speak for themselves."

Dr. Tony Boutagy

Strength Coach Sports Scientist, Boutagy Fitness Institute