Have you seen the movie Pay it Forward?
If not (and if you’d like to watch), beware: I’ll be dropping some bits of spoilers here.
So here you go:
Imagine blossoming what started to be a school project into a global phenomenon just by being kind and compassionate?
Pay it Forward is a moral adventure of an 11-year old boy named Trevor McKinney, inspired by his social studies teacher who gives his class an extra credit assignment: to think of an idea that can change the world, then put it into action.
So Trevor comes up with the idea of doing big favors to three people, something they can’t do for themselves. Instead of paying the good deed back, he asks each of them to pay it forward to three other people–and on and on into a global phenomenon of humanity.
What does this mean for you?
Radical leadership:
As you let your light shine brighter – by taking care of yourself, by being self-compassionate, by loving yourself, by being the hardest worker in the room – you give space for others to do the same.
That is one of the principles we embody in SMP. Our girl Sophie Maher lives by it wholeheartedly, and this is what happened:
"The education around both food and training has excelled my partner's performance and body composition in the gym. He was 18-20% bf when I began SMP & with me sharing & leading by example, fueling my body and allowing it to rest. He decreased his exercise & increased his food intake & he is now comfortable sitting at 8-10% bf & he is still increasing his calories!! I’m astounded by his hard work!!
Both my boys have been exposed to mindfulness and meditation, my eldest now meditates himself to sleep every night he’s with us & his sleep has dramatically improved since!!
Both my boys are being exposed to such healthy and adaptable approaches to not only fitness but life.
The SMP creed oozes characteristics every individual should hold & instill in themselves!!!"
This is who we are.
This is how we live.
The Sports Model Project is a process of transformation and personal mastery set in a community of resourceful women powerfully supporting one another.
And it's ONLY for the hardest worker in the room.
Are you ready to hold yourself to the highest standards of self-compassion?
Of self-love?
And inspire others to do the same?
It's time.
Live your spirit,
Be your vision.
Click the link now and chat with our team.
Light, loving-kindness, and celestial rainbows,
The SMP Coaching Team