Getting it all right is challenging.
Being excellent is a lot.
How do you bring 100% to each of them every day…
But also pack it away and get some rest?
How do you take yourself to the next level?
Training for elite body composition…
Being in a quest for competition…
Becoming a Pro…
While still managing to succeed in other areas in life…
Without burning out?
Well, it’s easy to say.
“Beyonce has 24 hrs in a day.”
But she has a team.
She has the support.
She has the resources.
But in order for you to be a Pro, you do have to become like Beyonce.
That requires:
#1: You decide to be a Pro.
In your habits…
In your thoughts…
In your language…
In your actions…
#2: You get support.
To be led and to lead.
To be pushed and to hold hands with.
Because becoming great?
Starts from within.
Then it’s magnified by a team of like-minded individuals.
And that’s what happens inside the Sports Model Project.
Because that burnout of trying to be everything all at once?
That comes from approaching the whole journey to becoming a pro…
As an amateur.
Amateurs get burned out, because they:
- Don’t know when to stop and rest.
- Think they can do it all on their own.
- Won’t let themselves be helped.
Pros think differently.
Beyonce thinks differently.
So does @hattieboydle 😉
And so do our girls at SMP.
We are a community of resourceful women powerfully supporting one another.
We are highly competitive.
Yet we are also super supportive of one another.
We live by the principles of radical community.
Where we allow each one of us to become their own shining light…
To practise radical self-leadership…
So we can be our own greatest supporters…
For ourselves…
And for others to be inspired to do the same.
We are the hardest workers in the room.
Yet we are also playful.
We train hard.
We achieve elite body composition.
And maintain that by honouring rest.
Because a good life is:
Having amazing relationships.
Staying with spirit.
In love, career, family.
While striving for excellence.
Want to be a Pro and get in the best shape of your life?
Click here and book a call with our team.
Warning: it will change your life.
Love and light,
SMP Coaching Team