You might get inspired by @hattieboydle, like so many of us do…
But if you start training like her?
You will likely fail.
Your body doesn’t have the strength that hers has…
Your mind doesn't have the resilience that hers has…
Your spirit doesn’t have the growth that hers has…
So seeing Hattie,
Or anyone else online,
And trying to replicate them?
Will only make you feel further away from where they are.
Because you can’t skip the journey.
The thing that you have to understand is -
Hattie is 15 years into her journey.
Not 15 hours,
Not 15 weeks,
Not 15 months
And Hattie’s starting point is totally different to yours.
That’s because Hattie’s training age is totally different to yours.
And this isn’t just a you thing.
Here’s a vulnerable story from @theonlyblackswan about making the transition from professional rugby league to gymnastics.
For four years, Nick tried doing a handstand like a rugby league player.
And he kept blowing his elbows up, blowing his neck up, hurting himself, not getting anywhere.
The reason?
It's not because he is an ex-rugby league player.
Or that he might have lost his athletic ability.
Or the quality of his training wasn’t good.
Or that he wasn’t practicing.
The reality is -
His training age in gymnastics is zero.
And it's important to acknowledge that.
That's why at SMP, our girls start with a foundation of movement.
We get you to send in a video of how you move, how you train, how you squat, how you deadlift.
We don’t do this so that you have a nice before and after video for Instagram (although that’s cool too).
We do it because we need to see what your training foundation is,
What your training age is,
So we can help you grow from there.
Are you ready to take yourself to the next level?
SMP is only for the hardest worker in the room.
And sometimes the hardest work is acknowledging when you need to return to basics.
You need to master the fundamentals.
So that you can become the girl who gets the progress.
Click here to start your journey towards greatness.
Love & light,
SMP Coaching Team