So much time straining to see what is ahead,
that we forget so easily where we have come from.
What we have previously achieved is diminished as
it flashes past us on the highway.
It's a real trap for people like you and me who are driven and want to succede
Sometimes we need to stop and check the rear vision so we can see clearly where we have come from and what it took us to get to this point.
So much of our dissatisfaction comes from only looking through the front windscreen; focusing on where we aren’t yet, what we haven’t achieved,
all the ways that reality doesn’t confirm with our imagination for the future.
So we undermine ourselves, tormented by what we imagine we don’t have, often not seeing what Is there at that exact moment.
I spoke to one of my favorite clients this week and she told me.
“God I was in good shape last year when I training with you."
"At the time I couldn’t see it; I thought I looked bad”
She wasn’t just “in good shape”.
She looked like a goddess.
Looking in the rear vision mirror she could see it,
but at the time; all she could see was where she wasn’t.
If we can look in the rear vision mirror and acknowledge our victories and success, It places us firmly in the here and now.
It means we can fully live in this moment and appreciate what we have.
Yesterday I sent you some pictures of my girl Jemma and her progress over the last two years.
Jemma completely transformed her body but at times forgot how far she had come.
Jemma was anxious that she wasn’t going to arrive in the bright future she imagined for herself and that nearly sabotaged all of her efforts, it nearly made her stop.
Instead, she has a look in the rear vision mirror. She took stock of her achievements, acknowledged her current level of mastery and it gave her the drive and strength to reach new heights and achieve her vision for herself.