But you know otherwise.
That you haven’t really gotten “there.”
Elite body composition still escapes you.
But every day, like clockwork (actually it’s an algorithm)... 😉
More images of girls in crazy condition.
Elite body composition served up morning and night.
In the last few years the expectation changed...
But you didn’t.
Your clients and potential clients expectations changed.
Truth is…
In the last few years,
YOUR expectation changed...
But you didn’t.
Hell you know all about training.
You did the level three,
worked with a mentor.
You did the precision nutrition course.
You ARE teaching other people about how to train, eat and live.
The easy place to hide is to say:
“I’m happy with where I am, but I would love to compete one day.”
After all that’s a safe place to be when you're talking to clients or yourself.
Only that’s the phrase that burns a hole in your whole being.
It’s so easy to say:
“I’m not there yet.”
Only “yet” is starting to feel like “never.”
You want more.
A more true statement?
You aren’t there.
No sneaky “yet.”
It’s showing up in your work.
It’s way easier to meet and find new clients when you DON’T doubt yourself and your abilities.
Obviously there are a few parts to this.
The first is:
Your worth is not determined by how lean or not lean you are. You are a good coach who cares about her clients.
Also, there is a “mindset” piece here.
(You will learn that inside SMP.)
The other truth? Once you have been to that place,
Once you have learnt how to attain and maintain elite body composition, the healthy life affirming way?
Once you have used and embodied a system that gets you “there”?
Well, then your confidence goes to another place
Even better.
Once you have learnt?
You know how to teach.
All the work, study and upskill will click into place finally.
SMP is not for newbies.
SMP is not for girls who just got motivated.
SMP IS for the next level.
SMP IS only for the hardest worker in the room.
Apply to join SMP and you will start your climb to the next level.
It’s time
Live your spirit, be your vision.
Click here and book a call with our team to apply.
Love, light, and guidance to the next level,
The Whole SMP Team