I used to wait for signs all the time.
I would wait for a sign from the universe
that it was time to make a change,
or that I was on the right track.
Sometimes I would even wait for a sign that something was going to happen, good or bad.
But waiting for signs can be frustrating,
because they often don't come when we want them to.
And even when they do,
it can be hard to interpret them.
There came a point where I realised that the only true sign when it comes to your journey is whether or not you want it.
It doesn't matter if the universe is sending you signs or not,
because the most important sign comes from within you.
Yeah, that’s right -
Being in your body and listening to it is the best sign.
And I know…
That can be hard when you grapple with your relationship with yourself.
So here’s what I want you to do
(Yes, right now while you’re reading this)
I want you to take three deep breaths.
And really focus on the breathing.
How it feels in your body.
In….. out.
In….. out.
In….. out.
And answer this -
When you read our posts at SMP, how do you feel in your body?
- Do you feel supported?
- Do you feel safe?
- Do you feel heard?
That’s what we help you create for yourself.
Finding your power and wisdom to make the right choices for yourself over your lifetime.
By finding your inner compass,
And being able to hear your signs.
Working with SMP is not easy.
We have a process of transformation and self-mastery that involves getting into great condition physically…
But it also involves going deeper than the surface and physical,
To your mental, emotional and spiritual transformation.
Some of that is going to mean getting into your body even more than you did by reading this post.
It will be hard.
But the question you’ve got to ask yourself is -
How much longer do you want to spend in the discomfort
Of not taking action?
Book in a life-changing call with our team of experts.
If you’re accepted, my coaches and I will be talking to you next week.
Love and light,
Hattie xo