Today, I’ve got a little list of things you can do to feel good, improve your productivity, and of course, attain and maintain elite body composition all year round.
- Keep a journal
Preflection —> Positive Affirmation followed by Reflection —> Critique leads to positive change.
5 minute Journal will take you a few minutes morning and night.
- Keep a food diary
Dietary adherence is the most important determinant of weight loss success. The number one dietary intervention is keeping a food diary.
I use My Fitness Pal.
- Eat the right amount of food.
The number one factor in your weight and measurements is your energy balance. If you go over your calories, you put on weight. If you eat in a deficit, you will lose weight.
Get started with my Ultimate Macro Plan
- Keep a training diary.
Your workouts have to progressively increase in intensity. It’s how much weight you lifted, the volume of lifting you did or if the density of work you did increased. I like the Strong app.
- Find a meditative practice and …. practice.
Of course, it’s hard at the start and you're not good at it.
People seem to expect they will meditate once and be like the Dalai Lama on their first go. That’s not how meditation works.
I like the Headspace app.
All of these methods exist
to facilitate you taking action.
All of them require you to actually do stuff.
If you do the stuff
they act as massive multipliers to your effort.
You start to look,
feel and act differently very quickly.
That’s what I do for the girls in my Sports Model Project.
I teach them how to get massive multiples on the work they are already doing.
It means that their results match their efforts
for the first time in their life.
This is not for girls who haven’t been exercising or following a diet,
this isn’t for beginners or people who are “getting back into it”.
This is only for girls who have been pushing themselves
but need my help to get to the next level.
If you are someone who is putting in the hard work but isn’t seeing the result you want, click here to chat to my team.
Love and light
Hattie xoxox