Before I was known as the WBFF Pro Diva @hattieboydle you see today…
I was really badly bullied in school.
I’d go to school
and sit in the toilet all lunch time
because I had no friends.
And then I would go to gymnastics.
And be the complete opposite.
My gymnastics club was a place where I could be me!
Gymnastics is when I would become The Hurricane!
I’d play and laugh
and train SO hard.
The other kids loved me because I was good at gymnastics and that made me want to train EVEN harder.
In fact, I’d become a super powerful version of me – a person who just wanted to connect and support and be supported.
Being with my friends…
Being myself…
Being liked by others…
Supporting and being supported and being excellent all at the same time was MY safe place.
So when I created SMP, my aim was to create a community of resourceful women powerfully supporting one another.
But even more than that,
SMP is me taking back to the world
that I got as a little girl in my gymnastics club.
It’s MY place to shine.
But it’s also YOUR place to shine.
SMP is your safe place to be encouraged and loved.
Where you can be excellent with other women who are striving for excellence too.
Women who get featured on the cover of magazines…
Become WBFF Pro Divas…
Win fitness shows…
Transform their bodies…
Grow bigger businesses…
And finally love their bodies & themselves.
It’s a place where you will get access to the tools & support that you need to nail your training & performance…
To eat for your goals & for enjoyment…
To develop your confidence & mindset.
So that YOU are your greatest supporter…
So that you learn to LIVE your spirit
& become your own version of The Hurricane.
Are you ready for a radical transformation?
Click here and book a life-changing call with our team.
SMP is only for the hardest worker in the room.
Loving-kindness & light,
Hattie xo
SMP Coaching Team