Why do we feel resistance towards the things that we want?
The truth is, resistance is a compass.
It's a sign that we're on the right track.
When we feel resistance, it's because we're stepping out of our comfort zone. We're moving towards something that we haven't done before, or something that feels scary.
Resistance is a sign that we're growing.
It's a sign that we're pushing ourselves
to do new things and to reach new heights.
If we want to be successful in life,
we need to learn to use resistance as a compass.
We need to see it as a sign
that we're on the right track
and that we're moving in the right direction.
Here are some ways to do that:
1. Understand why you're feeling resistance.
When you're feeling resistance, take a step back and try to understand why. Is it because you're afraid of something? Is it because you don't know how to do something?
Understanding the root cause of your resistance can help you to overcome it.
2. Lean into the resistance.
Once you understand why you're feeling resistance, lean into it. Embrace it. Use it as a source of motivation to push yourself harder.
3. See your vision
When you're feeling resistance, it's easy to focus on all of the things that could go wrong. But instead, try to see the woman in your vision and feel her spirit, who she is, how she behaves and how she feels to live in.
Of course, this isn’t easy.
It takes courage to face your resistance head on.
But that’s what high performers do.
They have the courage to do the hard things that others aren’t willing to do.
And that's what we help you do at SMP.
Because when you're surrounded by a group of powerfully resourceful women, who acknowledge resistance and lean into it too, you'll be given permission to shine your light.
And when you shine yours,
you inspire others to do the same.
Maybe you're feeling resistance right now about reaching out to us.
Good. Follow it.
Lean in.
Book in to have a life-changing call with our team.
Love and light,
SMP Coaching Team