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Do the thing
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#noexcuses, right?
Then, it got a bit tricky
A moment
A day, even
Where just "doing"
wasn't quite working
So you upped the ante
Doing what you've always done
(It’s never failed you before, right?)
Just swim harder
Push through
More willpower
You escaped the shark again
So you keep free diving
In deeper, broader waters
Because oxygen is for the weak, right?
And you, of anyone
Can hold your breath the longest
But what's tricky -
Now feels uneasy
The shore seems further, the harder you swim
And you're pushing against the very current you used
To get you here
We get it
Because we did it
And while it worked when we were kids, or teens, or even our early twenties
Life gets bigger
And waves get higher
(Great visions are meant for this)
The spaces where you practiced swimming laps
Don't really compare
To where you're headed now
But, we get that too
It's a hard thing to admit
That the tool you've thrown your life at
just isn't enough anymore
to go the distance
But here's something our coaches know that others don't
Having a 'tool' that's not enough
Isn't the same
as being a person thats not enough
We know this,
because we lived this
And while we cannot control
How rough the waters might get
We can choose
To not risk our greatest visions|
On how long we can hold our breath
We can learn to change our strides
- build skills to swim with our currents, not against them
This is something we teach our girls in the sports model project
Hard work?
It's the minimum prerequisite for entry
But if your tools have passed their used by date
Even the most determined swimmers
Will never make it to shore
Have your tools expired?
SMP is a process of personal mastery,
Our team of experts will guide you through every tool you need to go the distance
but it's only for the hardest worker in the room
Click the link to have a chat with our team.
Love and light,
Michelle Baty