Ten years ago, we lived in the time of “fat” phobia.
Right now, we are living in the time of “carb” phobia.
What’s the thing about them though?
Why are they so feared?
Answer is:
Linked to some health problems like heart disease and obesity by some pop nutrition advice…
For the longest time,
Fats and carbs have been labelled as the enemy.
They are avoided and thereby often cut out in people’s diet
without any second thought.
But it’s actually not for those reasons they are feared.
The real problem is?
There is a lack of understanding about nutrition and people tend
to take everything to the extreme to get results fast.
..which creates a perfect opportunity to sell fad diets.
And guess what?
People who sell these diets to you
haven’t actually achieved elite levels of body composition.
But what if there is no such thing as bad food?
That you need carbs and sugar to achieve your ultimate physique?
So here’s the formula:
You need
So first, you hit your proteins
to heal and repair your body and develop new muscles.
Then you eat enough fat
to fuel your hormonal system and cellular function.
And the rest of your calorie intake |
should come from carbohydrates to fuel your performance.
Because you need carbs to get your body enough energy to function and move!
And that’s the method our girls at SMP use to achieve and maintain elite body composition and enjoy high-level performance.
They have learned to become flexible around their food choices
by gaining intuitive understanding of their macros.
They have developed self-discipline without being miserable.
Because they are using a sustainable process.
Want to learn how?
Click this link and chat with our team.
Love and light,
The SMP Coaching Team