Almost nobody is.
You’re probably not even advanced.
and that’s not a bad thing.
I have coached thousands of women – all high performing.
They have been training hard consistently for years.
Most are industry leaders
They own CrossFit boxes.
They own studios.
They have successful PT businesses…
But none of them are advanced.
How come?
Is it because they haven’t been training long enough?
Or hard enough?
Actually, that’s not the reason.
Working hard is one thing.
Time is another.
The amount of time you are training is NOT
an indication of how advanced you are.
Time alone does not determine how “advanced” you are.
But you don’t need to focus on advanced things to get elite results.
1. Train according to your level.
There is a concept pioneered by Rippetoe and Kilgore which differentiates novice, intermediate and advanced.
It’s called training advancement.
…Which simply refers to “the rate at which the trainee can adapt from a given stimulus.”
I don’t agree with many of their ideas - but they nail the science of adaptation and training age. Their book Practical Programming is great on this topic.
2. Nail the basics.
Even for our girls, the beginner program done with high compliance and precision gets way better results than the advanced version.
The reason?
Complexity often complicates things.
Often the simplest programs are the hardest to do.
So if you can’t even nail the basics yet,
you’re not ready for the next level.
That is why it is important to…
3. Follow the program prescription precisely.
Follow the reps, sets, time under tension, the correct rest periods, and you’ll get results from your program.
It’s that simple.
If you’re not recording & tracking, you’re not following precisely.
And when we say “correct rest periods”,
that means honouring your rest periods.
2 minutes rest means 2 minutes,
not 30 seconds or 5 minutes.
It’s crucial to your success and it’s one thing most girls don’t pay attention to.
Want help with that?
Click the link to chat with our team.
If you are a good fit, we will be talking next week.
The SMP Coaching Team