That's one of the questions we get asked a lot in SMP.
Short answer?
And I know for high-performing women like you,
parts of you feel like skipping a training day feels wrong.
The high-achieving parts of you say,
“You’re supposed to get up!”
“Go to the gym!”
“Get things done!”
And those parts of us are great.
They helped us push through even when times are hard, but…
Maybe we can also give some air time to those parts of us that need rest?
One thing we always say to our clients:
The hardest work is knowing when to rest and to play.
And sometimes, especially when you are sick and life happens?
Skipping your training is the BEST idea.
Besides, what’s the point of getting ripped and being sick?
Training can wait, can’t it?
Your body also needs to be listened to.
And if you don’t hear what your body is saying, you can hear it from us:
It’s OKAY to rest.
It’s OKAY to feel tired.
WE all do.
So could you perhaps be more compassionate to yourself?
In SMP, you will learn to
→ organise your training and rest days
→ perform optimally and effectively
→ have high standards and self-compassion
>>>Click the link now and have a chat with our team.
On the other side…
You will receive next-level guidance, care, and support
from our dedicated team of elite coaches.
Love and light,
SMP Coaching Team