SMP: The Gold standard in mindset development.
Because a random 8 week course will crush you...
But a fully developed curriculum will change your mind and your life.
Just as properly periodised training process will help you develop a 3x body weight back squat
A properly developed mindset curriculum will build you AND your skills up over time.
So that you have THAT deep experience of self
that have been missing, but need on SO many levels.
So that you can reconnect with YOUR spirit.
That essence that is so hard to recapture these days.
(Yep it’s been hard the last two years)
Because trying to win at everything while the world was turned upside down?
Has beat up allot of powerful women.
You are not alone with that.
But the path back to yourself does not go through random techniques, “tactics” or tricks.
It’s the same as random training programs.
They lead you to injury and worse, that sinking feeling of stuckness....
It’s the same with your mind.
Number One Principle
Slower is faster.
Because the next level doesn’t come just ‘cause you are doing stuff.
Sorry, effort is just the cost of admission to the show.
The winner?
The leader?
You are doing the smartest thing,
With the best people
In right amount, at the right time.
SMP’s mindset curriculum?
Developed by our Neuro-psych Michelle Baty, creator of the Art of noticing who trains with the best practitioner group in the world.
Michelle has a deep understanding of the science of your nervous system and how that interacts with the best psychology models.
Our coaching methods, communication and mindset program is informed by this deep work AND everything Hattie has learned becoming a world champion and coaching thousands of women to success.
It took us two years of curriculum development, practice for the whole team, coaches and leadership at The Sports Model Project, trial and error before we even allowed anyone else to do it.
This is what the Gold Standard In Mindset Development looks like.
In fact we won’t give you access to it unless you have completed our mindfulness course led by the incomparable @tiger and the monk and demonstrated your ability to have an experience of your present moment.
Because you don’t get a 3x body weight squat by starting with 3x your bodyweight.
You develop skill, deep practice and confidence first.
So working with our heart coach is life changing and deep work that greases the grove for your greatness.
It’s just another random course that crunches you with details and leaves you with more (unorganised) information than you started with.
You want clarity.
In your thoughts
In your words....
In your actions.
For those actions to align with and represent your principles and values.
That’s what our Industry leading mindset course delivers.
Principles based living.
SMP is only for the hardest worker in the room.
No shortcuts, no flakiness.
This is more expensive and takes longer.
The long, focused, detailed way?
That way ends up with you being
nailing the details
living powerfully in your Spirit,
your life playing our as your vision.
It’s time.
Live your spirit, be your vision.
Click our link to apply for The Sports Model Project.
the whole SMP coaching team.