I'm so proud of my girl Caterina.
She is about to be featured on the cover of Oxygen Magazine which has been the goal since she applied to join The Sports Model Project two years ago.
The best part?
It's legitimate, Caterina Ruberto is the real deal.
Cat has truely transformed her mindset, her body, her career and her relationship by starting our process, putting in the work, turning over the rocks and not quitting till it was done (country girls work hard!).
That's why I love this quote from her feature
Since April Cat has:
How did she do it?
Of course the hard work started before April. The first step was taking the plunge and applying to join The Sports Model Project. Results like this take time. They take a lot of hard work and dedication - but it starts with taking the first step.
You can apply by clicking this link.
Once Cat applied she put her head down and bum up and just just worked really hard. She didn't quit when she got sick before shows or when life got busy or when she was working heaps, in fact if anything she worked harder.
The rest is a longer story so keep your eyes out, over the next few weeks I'm going to bring you more details on Cat's journey, how she became a part of my inner circle, what she learnt and how you can enjoy the same transformation.
For now, Caterina, my heart just overflows with love and deep sense of pride in how hard you have worked to overcome old beliefs, doubts, fears, illness and injury to get where you are.
Here's to Gluey and Shoey!
Light and loving kindness
Hattie xoxo
Apply to take the first step in Caterina's journey by clicking on the image below.