I didn't win the world title.
I was second and to be honest, I cried for a week.
Since then I have been on a bit of a holiday
enjoying a little downtime and getting my head around how I feel and where I am at.
I kind of learnt again what makes us happy
and I guess it's something we learn and re-learn our whole life
Don't Forget To Feel The Breeze On Your Cheek.
It's so easy to keep projecting forward.
It's so easy to keep ruminating about what happened before.
It's so easy to stress about what isn't
It's so easy to punish yourself with what should be.
All of that is SO hard.
You're missing something amongst all of that thinking.
Thinking about the past,
the future
and what isn't.
You're missing what IS.
You're missing how beautiful the breeze feels when it blows on your cheek.
You're missing
the majesty of sunset
and the mystery of sunrise
and the magic of rain clouds.
So as focused as I am right now
focused on a goal, my future and all I planned for
I'm still here, right now in this moment........ and it's beautiful.
But I didn't just land at this point magically.
In fact it's taken as much work to shape my mind as it has to shape my body.
It's required the discipline to meditate.
It's required the strength to walk away from a lifetime of stories,
stories I invented and told myself.
And a commitment to
Right words
Right actions
Right thoughts.
Every moment of my life.
Here I am, the number 2 sports model in the world,
the leader of the number #1 team of fitness models in the world,
my amazing Sports Model Project.
I'm at the end of my holiday,
the world
and this life
are full of so much happiness, joy and beauty.
Winning, losing or any of the hurdles we come across can never change that.
So, no matter where you are In your journey
Don't forget to feel the breeze on your cheek.
Do If you want to transform your body?
Transform your mind and transform your life?
Click this link and you can jump the queue into my program
Spaces are super limited
Love and light
Hattie xoxo
That link again