"I'll just wait until the new year to start"
Every year, gyms are packed in January with people who have made the resolution to get in shape.
And every year, by February those same gyms are back to their normal levels of usage.
It's not that these people don't want to get in shape, it's that they're waiting for the perfect time to start.
And this isn't just beginners and people who've never trained before.
It happens with athletes too (like you).
An athlete has been training for a while, doing the do, and they're kind of getting progress. But they're kind of not really too.
And they say -
"I'll just do a little bit more by myself"
"I'll definitely reach out to SMP next year"
But... they don't.
And the reason they don't is because they're waiting for things to line up just right before they make their move.
Because there will be some time in the future where they're READY. They've got everything perfect and then it'll make sense to work with us.
(Sound familiar? 😉 )
So instead of reaching out and making that happen, they wait. And in the meantime, their progress stalls.
Now I'm not saying that you should never wait or take your time with things.
But I am saying that if you're at a point where you KNOW you need to make a change - with your training, your nutrition, your mindset - then waiting isn't going to make it easier.
Because you've been doing that right?
And it's not working.
So what does work in this situation is asking for help.
Taking the step.
Creating action.
Doing something, rather than NOT doing something.
Because honestly, SMP is only for the hardest worker in the room.
If that's not you, we'll let you know.
But deep down you know it's you,
and you know that this is where you're meant to be.
So take action -
SMP Coaching Team