What you see now has been a lifetime of work.
90 minutes.
4-5 days a week.
For 10 years.
In hindsight, I wish I had kept photos of my uncomfortable stages of my first build phases.
Then you could see
I didn’t just wake up like this.
I didn’t just slab muscle in this way.
(but a lot of people think I did).
This physique didn’t happen in 1 year…
Or 2 years…
Or 5 years.
This physique took me 10 long years of hard work, consistency, devotion, & discipline.
Doesn’t sound so sexy, right?
But elite body composition is exactly that.
It’s a lifetime of work.
For women in particular, I feel there is a stigma around being uncomfortable in a build.
It comes with a BIG, flashing warning sign.
“It will be uncomfortable!!!”
Sure, there will be levels of discomfort – physically & mentally – but that’s how we grow.
If i could grant you one gift it would be to help you shift away from only focusing on the uncomfortable and learn to enjoy the many great things that come in a foundation/ building season…
Like becoming process driven…
Get strong, build your work capacity, enjoy eating FOOD and changing your physique…
But most importantly, enjoy your journey.
It’s easier for me to speak like this now.
Because experience has given me many lessons.
I had to unlearn habits and behaviours.
I had to learn new skills and tools.
I had to learn to love myself at ALL stages.
This was challenging!
I recognised that I had my own limitations around increasing the scale weight.
But do you know what’s one of the best things I ever did that helped take down this path confidently, which I was too scared to go on my own?
It was to get a coach who supported me and guided me along the way. 🙂
So what about you…
Do you find yourself going around in circles?
Need some help taking your results to the next level?
Click here and book a call with our team.
On the other side,
if you’re a good fit…
You will get access to all tools and resources I learned to take myself to the next level…
Physically, mentally and spiritually.
Love and light,
Hattie xoxo
SMP Coaching Team