When you write they always advise you to keep the answers at the bottom so that people read everything you say.
It’s the same trick they use in Scooby Doo where they won't reveal the ghost until the end (spoiler it’s always the guy who owns the amusement park)
Instead, I’m just going to give you the answer early and at the end I'll give you everything you need to nail it and win your show.
The Secret To Winning Fitness Shows Is Daily Practice.
In fact, it’s the secret to being good at everything.
Learning Spanish
We all have this deep-seated belief that the only thing stopping our success is that we haven't tried hard enough yet. That one will really big push will see us succede.
So often women reach out to for help with walking, posing and stagecraft and what they ask for is “a one on one session with Hattie” because they imagine there’s a secret to stage presence, a secret they will learn by buying an hour of my time.
They imagine that if they spend four or five hours at a seminar that they will nail it and win their show.
Now both of those things help, but they won’t make you perform better than everybody else. That's just not enough time to get really good.
What makes you perform better than everybody else is perfect practice every day. It can be 5 minutes somedays and hour others but checking in and honing your craft each and every day is the key to success.
The crazy thing is it doesn't mean that you need to kill yourself. Just chip away daily and keep getting better.
How Do I Know This?
That's how I became #1: Miss World WBFF Fitness Diva.
I worked every day at my craft I practiced and practiced and practiced.
As a kid I was an elite gymnast so I grew up with really strict coaches and the idea that perfect repetition leads to perfect performance.
Let me tell you, when I start my practice every season I feel awkward and a little uncomfortable. I don’t nail it straight away, I have to work at it.
In fact my personal motto, the mantra I have for myself is “to always be the hardest working person In the room” and I believe I work harder on my posing than anybody else. That’s also the reason that my posing looks seamless and gracefull onstage, all of the practice liberates me from fear when I’m up in front of the world and it let’s me project power, poise and femininity.
I have used this process with hundreds of girls who I've coached In my Sports Model Project and they nail it too. We have had girls go on and win their pro cards and become WBFF Pro Divas because they nail stage presence, their walk and posing.
Nearly half of your result is dependent on your stage performance.
The prize doesn’t go to the girl who trained the hardest or is the leanest.
The prize goes to the girl who creates the most beautiful image on stage on the day. Connecting with what makes you uniquely beautiful and projecting that with confidence to the audience is what makes you stand out from the crowd.
For The First Time, My Posing Series Is Available To You.
Now you can be the one who shines on stage.
My posing series will give you everything you need to practice perfectly each and everytime. It will help you bridge the gap between the gym and the stage and connect with your own unique style and walk beautifully under pressure.
You will have certainty that sticking to your diet and all the hard work that you're doing in the gym will pay off. You can be the one who takes their career to the next level and becomes a professional fitness model.
You can be the one who nails it on her big day.
To get my posing series go here https://www.sportsmodelproject.com.au/walking-lander/
Love and Light Hattie
#1 Miss World WBFF Fitness Diva