What if unlocking discipline was the key to personal mastery?
How do you get good at something?
Practice practice practice.
Ask any master in any field — they’re likely to have spent more time in practice than their counterparts.
At a basic level, that’s it really.
You can read as much as you like, listen to as many podcasts, and that’s great, but at the end of the day…
You need to turn thoughts into actions.
Then into habits.
Another word for that is practice.
Practice well,
Practice consistently.
Then engage a mentor to improve your practice.
Another word for this is coaching.
Let’s take this to the next level:
Good practice turns into discipline.
Because discipline is often drilled into us from a young age - by parents or teachers - discipline can be often be
Discipline does not have to be forceful.
Discipline does not have to be imposed by someone else.
What if discipline could be simply honoring the verbal agreement you made with yourself?
To do the things you’ve always said you’d do?
Would you feel differently about your disciplines then?
Another way to describe discipline is being devoted to yourself.
Let’s expand some more:
All this practice, all this discipline - what is it all leading to?
More specifically, mastery of the self.
But what IS personal mastery?
What does that mean to you?
Our definition of personal mastery means firstly understanding every part of yourself.
Then learning to accept every part of yourself (even the bits you might not like)
Then learning to love every part of yourself (especially the bits you might not like).
It’s about acknowledging your vision.
And loving the parts of you that are maybe a little intimidated by that vision.
So, What’s your vision?
What’s stopping you from doing the things you want, living the life you could?
Understand what within you is holding you down.
Understand what within you is lifting you up.
Master these elements.
Take control.
That’s personal mastery.
Would you like help on that journey?
The Sports Model Project is a process of transformation and personal mastery.
We’ve got an entire team of experts here to guide you.
All you have to do is take the first step.
Click the link in my bio to have a chat with my team.